chapter twenty-one

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ROBIN WAS SURPRISED AT how homey the vent system was. Yes, it was kind of uncomfortable, but you get use to it after a bit. He started to wonder if the only reason it existed was for Clint to get around faster. The two made little to no sound as they crawled further away from the boy's room. They stopped by Clint's room for him to grab the prank supplies and continued on their way. He dragged along the bag full of stuff with him, stopping before Pietro's room.

"Alright, I'm sure you want to get at Pietro," Clint said quietly, pulling out some invisible tape. "The little bastard's fast on his feet, but not so much his head. He won't see it coming, literally."

With a smirk on his face, Robin hopped out of the vent, standing in front of the speedster's door without making a sound. He put the tape in the doorway, from the floor up until he couldn't reach. With the help of the other man, he got back up into the vents, snickering quietly. "I might just end up liking you," He told Clint, who smiled in victory.

They went to prank Tony next. Clint took out his phone. "Watch and learn," He said, hacking away at FRIDAY to make the AI call him something he'd be embarrassed by.

Robin peaked over his shoulder. "Does that say 'Knockoff Bruce Wayne'?" He asked with a light laugh. Not as good as his nicknames for the billionaire, but it was great.

"Yep. Now whenever he asks FRIDAY for something, he won't get his normal replies."

They moved on, both getting down to the kitchen. From his bag, Clint pulled out a tug of toothpaste. Robin immediately knew where he was going with this. It was a classic prank, putting toothpaste in oreos, and one of his least favourite to have pulled on him. He didn't know a single person who could resist a cookie, much less oreos. He walked around the island and opened a cupboard. His eyebrows furrowed at the sight of multiple boxes of poptarts. He turned to Clint with a 'what-the-fuck' look on his face.

The archer snuck a quick glance and shrugged, before going back to filling oreos with toothpaste. "Thor loves poptarts," He explained, not looking up. "So Stark makes sure to always have some in stock."

Robin hummed in reply, walking back over to the man's supply bag. He looked for anything else he could use in the kitchen and smirked in delight. He took out the invisible tape again, and put it sticky-side up on the fridge handle. He threw it gently back into the bag when he finished. "Hope you weren't getting some milk."

Clint snickered, and put the pack of oreos back where he found them, and the pair hopped back into the vents. They stopped at Natasha's room. "Pass me the glitter," Clint whispered, careful not to wake her up. Robin did as he was told, and waited no more than a minute for the man to return. He winked. "In and out in a flash." He had pranked his best friend multiple times before, so he knew how to do it without waking her.

"What'd you do?" Robin inquired in a hushed whisper.

"Filled her guns with glitter."

The demigod covered his mouth with his hand as he crawled, trying to stop himself from laughing as he forgot about how much he wanted to leave. Some of these Avengers were pretty great, once he got to know them. He remembered a time when he didn't like the people at camp, either. It seemed like so long ago. Once he got there, he blamed them - and the gods - for his mom's death, but they taught him to redirect that rage towards monsters. But he still remembered that pain he felt. He never wanted anyone to go through what he had, and if he could do his part by killing monsters, he would.

He focused back on the present. They had arrived at Steve's room now. Clint fumbled through his bag and handed the boy paper insects. "Put them in his lampshade," He instructed.

Robin nodded and silently completed his mission, hoping the super soldier would scream when he saw that. Clint quickly pulled him back into the he vents. "Gotta finish this fast, he wakes up early."

"Sam does too."

"Speaking of Sam, I think I saw him go get a cup of water," Clint said, and the two smirked, thinking the same thing.

They crawled over to his room, and Robin jumped down, heading over to the man's side table, somehow managing to flip the cup over without spilling any water. Concealing his chuckle, he quickly returned to his new partner in crime.

Reaching Thor's room, Clint took out a box of soup, and went off and slipping into the god's washroom. Thor was going to get quite a surprise when he took a shower next.

They continued over to Vision's room. Surprisingly, the android sleeps, probably because Ultron was trying to make a human body. Working together, the two tricksters drew all over his face, which would be fun to see in the morning.

With only two people left to prank, they set off to Bruce's room, where they would dump in a bowl M&M's and Skittles, like the monsters they are. And that's what they did, and left it on the man's desk.

For their final victim - Wanda - Robin and Clint spent a solid ten minutes blowing up balloons and dropping them into Wanda's room from the safety of the vents.

Once they finished, they headed to the living room, not going together in case anyone was awake. Seeing as no one was, they settled down and played a game of Uno as they waited for everyone's reactions.

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