chapter thirty-three

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JUST AS HE PREDICTED, ROBIN HAD SOME rather unhappy guests show up at his door. He was determined to avoid them, though. He snuck out through the kitchen window, planning to make his way to work. Not harm in arriving early. Of course, his coworkers and his boss would be suspicious, but he could explain everything easily. How he wished one of them - Kiera or Glenn - would be a demigod. It would make things so much easier.

He managed to arrive without seeing or being spotted by any of the Avengers. Glenn's eyes widened as soon as he saw the boy. He walked around the counter and gripping him by the shoulders. He shook him a bit then put his hand on the demigod's forehead.

"Robin, are you okay, champ? You're never here early," The man fussed, checking his employee for injuries.

Robin chuckled, a little breathlessly. "Yeah Boss, I'm fine. Just had some uninvited guests over," He explained.

"And you said you had work so they would leave?" Glenn asked, an eyebrow raised as he lead the boy behind the counter.

"Are you kidding? No, I left them knocking at the door while I escaped through the window."

The older man laughed, slapping the boy on the back with surprising force. Robin would've stumbled forward if it wasn't for the amount of times he got caught off guard by the simple act, and learned to keep still.

The bar was mostly empty, with very few customers and even less employees. Even Kiera, who was always early, was missing from the scene.

It was still early in the day. Not many people would be coming in for awhile now. Robin leaned against the bar, snacking on some peanuts not meant for him. They reminded him of the pretzels he dropped back at the zoo before he was kidnapped. Good times, that was. Salty snacks brought good memories.

A cloth was thrown at his face. He caught it before it could hit him. He shot an offended look at the culprit.

"Those aren't for you., Kiera said pointedly.

"Sorry, mom," Robin said, pushing himself upright and throwing the cloth back at her. "You're just salty I got here before you did," He said, stuffing peanuts into his mouth.

"Whatever you want to believe," She sang in reply, going to gather some empty glasses from unoccupied tables.

"Hey! Leave my salted snacks alone, Carter!" Glenn called from the other side of the establishment.

Robin flushed and waved back. "You got it, Boss!" He turned to Kiera. "It's like he's Superman!" He whispered.

She came back and hit him on the head. "Yeah, and you're like Batman...'s sidekick."

"My name, funny."

"You're both like the most annoying employees I have," Glenn joined in, coming up behind them.

Robin put a hand on his heart. "Aww, thanks Boss."

"Means a lot Glenn," Kiera said, smiling brightly at him.

The man rolled his eyes and pushed them apart, ordering them to get to work. They complied, doing their best work for that day. One customer in particular caught Robin's eye.

He walked up to them, going to make them whatever drink they wanted. He leaned against the counter. "Hey Merida," He joked.

"Of course this is where you work," Clint said, offering a smile. He asked for a drink, which was quickly made for him. "This why you weren't home?"


"Could've sworn you showed up at your coffee meetup."

"I did. Then I left. Too busy signing autographs to notice me?"

"You sneaky little bastard."

Robin bowed mockingly and left to go serve someone else. How he enjoyed messing with the Avengers. Not when he was locked up with them, though.

"Shooting for older men now, are you?" Kiera teased, having observed the encounter from afar.

The demigod gave her a smirk. "Sorry, I'm now strictly heterosexual."

She slapped his shoulder. "I wish," She joked.

"He wouldn't date you even if he was. You're too abusive," Glenn teased as he passed, watching her hit him, even though he knew it was just for fun.

Kiera flipped him off before getting back to work, going to help set up the karaoke machine.

Robin also got back to his job, hoping to earn some tips. Hera knows he needed groceries. That got him thinking about his apartment. Nico left after Sam had called him, so he didn't worry about him opening the door to the Avengers. He did worry, however, that they broke down his door. Wouldn't be the first time, now, would it?

He hoped everything was in tact. He really didn't have the money to replace the door.

The rest of the night went by fairly quickly. Clint has left a while ago, and only hard core drinkers were left. Most of the employees left too, leaving only Robin, Kiera and Glenn. Robin got along well with them, much better than he did with the others, so it was convenient.

The three decided to close up early once everyone else left, seeing no need to keep the place open.

Just as things were looking good, it had to go down hill. Like someone once said, all good things come to an end. It was only fate that something bad happened. Or rather, it was just the Fates' cruel idea of a joke.

Robin, as usual, wasn't prepared. No one ever really was in these types of scenarios. It was all unexpected. It came out of thin air. Perhaps that's why the son of Zeus, along with his two remaining coworkers still at the establishment, went flying into the back wall. Or maybe that always happened to people who are almost blown up. Outside the small building were the Jendaks, one of them equipped with a grenade launcher. An unexpected twist, to Robin. If only he knew that wouldn't be the only twist of the hour.

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