Kiyama Hiroto X reader

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Kiyama Hiroto - Xavier Foster
He stayed with the team enjoy

Night sky

While we were packing for a road trip and putting our stuff in the van, then coach pulled me aside and told me that my grandma got kidnapped from the hospital and without the life support she is now gone. Tears stabbed my eyes as all my emotions were thrown down and shattered, he gave me a shoulder squeeze and took me to the van where everyone else where chatting. They stopped their conversations and gave me worried looks.

" What's wr- "

" I'll tell you later "

Coach cut off Mark and I sat beside Shawn and Axel, I stared blankly out the window processing everything in my head. After we arrived at a cabin I ran out the van and ran out into the forest as everything became a blur from my tears, I heard my name be called and foot steps behind me. Axel caught up to me and took my wrist causing me to slow. I looked at him and saw Jude and Xavier running from a far.

" L-Let go... "

" Y/N what's wro- "


I yelled out pulling my wrist from his grip and turned running deeper into the forest. I ran and ran till my legs couldn't take me any further so I sat on a nearby rock.

" I'm... alone... Mom dad ( Sibling optional) are gone, now grandma is gone too "

Someone puts their hand on my shoulder, I flinch and stand up but the hand keeps me down as tears flow down one by one.

" What happened to your parents? "

" T-They died when I was young "

" Oh, you never went to the orphanage did you? "

I shake my head no.

" My grandma was there for me, she raised me "

He nodded understandingly.

" She raised me for my whole life "

I wiped my tears as other droplets replaced them. He told me about his time in the orphanage as my tears dried. He stood up after the last tear touched the ground, and reached out his hand.

" Let's go back shall we? "

I took his hand and got pulled up onto my feet. I was a bit surprised so I stumbled forward and my head hit his chest.
(Yep you are short a bit shorter than Shawn/Shirou) :3

" Ahh! "

I pout slightly as he smiles, and pulls on my hand and we walk back to the ban and see people set up tents.

" Y/N! XAVIER!! We need some sticks for the fire! Nathan, Jude and Hurley already went looking for them! "
Mark smiled from the distance we both nodded and walked to Hurley.

" Hey guys how are ya? "

" We're good "

I give a slight smile.

" Alright time to collect some sticks "

I nod and start collecting sticks.

" Alright I'll take them back to camp, load me up! "

He reaches out his hands and we put sticks in his arms.

" Keep collecting sticks guys"

We nod as he turns back and we go back to collecting sticks.

~Time Skip to campfire~ :3

I watch the fire dance, bowing down to us and jumping again. I stare at the fire and then I feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Xavier.

" X-Xavier? "

He smiles and takes my hand. I get up with him and he takes me to a huge field. I look around the field and see fireflies. I look around as the field glew under our feet.

" Give it a second "

I looked at him and wandered back into watching the field. The suddenly all the lights flew up, I looked around and it felt like I was surrounded by stars.

" Lie down "

I do as he says and look up at the sky and my eyes get lost in the in the night sky with beautiful stars. I hear Xavier smirk as I look over at him, he gives me a small smile. I feel my face heat up, he sits up and I follow his actions.

" The sky is beautiful isn't it? "

" Y-Yeah"

" But I see something more beautiful..."

I blush and look at him. He softly places his hand on mine.

" You are more beautiful than anything I've ever seen"

I blush and leans in closer, I blush even more and slowly close my eyes as he leans closer till our lips molded together. It was soft and warm, then he slowly broke the kiss and looked at me with soft eyes.

" X-Xavier "

" Yes Y/N? "

I blushed more as he pulled me down back on you ground to look back up at the sky. He held me close making me feel warm beside him. I slowly felt like I was pulled to the sky as my eyes closed and fell into dream world.

Hi hi!!! Lion here!! This is a medium length story. The short ones are about 400 words the mediums are 800 and long 1000+ words!! Bye bye!!

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