Hurley Kane X Reader

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I got some inspiration from this song. This is after Hurley left the team and you were added later. So you have hearing problems, when something makes a loud sound you can't hear anything and for about 2 hours you hear every other word. So you hear hearing aids.
Hurley Kane - Tsunami Jousuke

Missed you so bad

"Alright! We need to find some of our past teammates. We are heading to find Hurley. " Mark explained. We all nodded and some of us including me went above deck.

" Hurley... "

I walked to the back of the boat and stared at the ocean.

" I remember how Willy fell of the boat." Jack laughed.

" Yeah, hope that doesn't happen again. "  Shawn giggled.

" I hope not, but then we might find Hurley." Willy fixed his glasses.

I giggled and looked back at the ocean. I looked at the waves, than the boat horn blasted causing my hears to hurt.

" My hearing aids."

I couldn't hear myself talk. I ran back under the deck and looked in my bag. I put them back on and snapped my fingers. I sighed and went back on the deck. I opened the door and bumped into Shawn.

" S-Shawn?"

" Is everything alright? You all sudden ran here."

" Yeah, everything is alright."

He smiled and nodded. I walked back the the back of the boat and Willy was looking at the coral. I grabbed his shirt and pulled his down while walking past.

" You'll fall."

" Hmpf."

I walked to the back and looked at the waves and the boat started to rock side to side. It got wilder and started to rock even harder. I kept my balance as the boat threatened to throw everyone. Willy was thrown over board as no one noticed.

" WILLY!!!"

I pulled my hearing aid and placed it on the bench and started to pull the other one.

" HELP!!"

I ran and jumped off the boat leaving my hearing aid in my hear.

" WILLY!!"

I dived under and pulled him to the surface. I checked my hearing aid and it slipped out of my ear. I blindly reached for it.

" Dang it!"

" We are too far from the shore! Lower them a rope!" Axel yelled as a rope lowered. I tied it to Willy and dived in to find my hearing aid. I looked around and saw it sinking as I hastily swim to it. I grab it and the current sweeps me to the sea floor. I hit my head causing me to open my mouth releasing my air. I swim up but my vision darkens as I look to the side and see a figure swimming towards me. I reach out my hand as my vision gets darker and darker. The person wraps their hands around me and pulls me upwards. I gasp for air as I cough the little water that filled my lungs.

" Y/N what happened?"

I continued coughing as I got lifted onto the boat.

" What happened? Did you loose something?" Mark questioned.

I nodded.

" What was it?" Austin handed me a towel.

I hesitated because no one knew I wore hearing aids.

" Your other hearing aid?" Jude came and handed me the one I took off before jumping. I lowered my head.

" Y-You wear- "

" I'm not deaf, just when there is a loud sound it hurts my ears and I can't hear much."

I said almost annoyed. The rest of the way to the boat ride I dried my hair and sat at the back.

" Hey... Mark? Who saved me? "

" Hurley, but he left to continue surfing. He is a nice guy!" Mark smiled. H-Hurley...

" Mark? Y/N? It's time to go."

Jude called to us, and we got off the boat. We found a grassy field with soccer nets and we practiced till the sun was about to set.

" That was the best practice yet!" Mark cheered. We nodded and disided to take the rest of the day walking around. I went to the beach with shorts and a crop top and my zip up sweater. I walked down the beach and found a white gazebo. I stood in it watching the sunset.

" Y/N?"

I turned to see Hurley, I looked away with teary eyes.

" You almost drowned..."

" I know."

He walked and stood beside me.

" Y/N, I'm sorry..."

" Sorry won't cut it Hurley! You said we will see each other soon! But you said that four years ago! You promised!" I burst into tears.

" You never texted back or answered my calls! YOU LIED! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU! I thought I ment something to you!" I saw the tears form in his eyes as he stayed silent.

" I missed you so much Hurley! I wanted to hear your voice! I though you cared! I missed you! So so much! But apparently I shouldn't have!"

My tears formed rivers that flowed down my cheeks. He took a step towards me as I took one back. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me and I hugged back crying into his chest. His grip tightens and he sits us on a bench with me on his lap, he softly rubbed my back. Soon I started to calm.

" I'm sorry... After you left I was sad too, but when I started to surf it reminded me of you but at the same time not. When I surfed it gave me bliss and I thought of you like the ocean."

I hugged him as he hugged back.

" Missed you."

" I missed you too."

I looked up at him and he leaned down connecting our lips. I felt butterflies fly around, and our lips molded together. He softly pressed down asking to let him in, I parted my lips as he swirls our tongues together. He was soft and gentle. After a bit he softly pulled away, and looked at me with loving eyes. He took my hand and pulled me towards the ocean. We walked along the beach, then he splashed me with a bit of water.

" Hey!"

I splashed him back and ran into the ocean. We started to splash each other and laughed. We both smiled and hugged eachother.

" I'm glad you are back in my arms."

Siiiigh welp that is pulled out from my head. Stay tuned for Atsuya or for dubs Aiden :3

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