Fubuki Atsuya X Shy:Reader

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Reeeeeeee Y/F/N your full name
Fubuki Atsuya - Aiden Frost

I walk in when my teacher calls me in.

" This is Y/F/N. "

I bow down to everyone.

" Have a seat beside Atsuya, raise your hand."

The boy with salmon hair raised his hand and I sat on the desk beside him. During class the boy kept staring at me making me blush. I kept my head low for the rest of the day, and at the end of class when everyone left. I was putting my stuff in my bag and someone put a hand on my desk.

" Y/N right?"

I looked up to see Atsuya, and I nodded.

" Atsuya is that the new girl?"

A soft voice spoke from behind him.

" Yeah, she doesn't even talk."

Atsuya put his hands on the back of his head. I looked down gripping my bag in my hands.

" She is new she can feel that way, anyway I'm Fubuki Shirou."

"N-Nice meeting y-you F-Fubuki-san..."

My voice faded and turned into a whisper.

" Call me Shirou because you can get mixed up with Atsuya."

He softly smiled.

" Yeah yeah... whatever I'm Fubuki Atsuya not a big deal."

I zipped up my bag.

" N-Nice meeting y-you Shirou-san and A-Atsuya-san."

I got up and bowed. I started walking to the door. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see Atsuya looking at me and putting his hand on the wall. He looked deep into my eyes causing me to blush and shake a bit.

" Atsuya don't scare her."

Shirou put his hand on Atsuya's shoulder. He removed his hand, and walked out. I looked down shakingly.
Shirou softly placed his hand on my shoulder and gave me a warm smile. I give back a small smile and walked out of the class.

" Good night."

I turned and waved. I walked down the stairs and out the door. I looked around, and saw Atsuya coming towards me. I looked down shakingly, as he pressed me against the wall putting his hands on the wall.

" Stay safe."

He walked away with his hands resting on his head. I watched him leave and started walking home.

~~~Next Day :3 ~~~

I woke up to the rain tapping on my window. I put on my uniform and a large sweater on top, I packed my bag and grabbed my umbrella and headed to the school. I arrive at the school, and unpack my bag.

" Y/N."

I look up.

" A-Atsuya-san."

" Let me see your schedule sheet."

I took it out and handed it to him.

" Great, same schedule."

He placed it on my table and turned to Shirou.

~~~ After class ~~~

The rain stopped and the sun shined bright. I got up and packed my things for my next class.

" Y/N Atsuya said we have the same schedule, why won't you walk with us?"

I looked down and felt my face heat up.

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