Misunderstood Assumptions

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Far too many claim to know who i am,

My Story,

My place of origin,

and Exactly where i'm going.

After a couple glasses of gin,

Of course.

Well I'm fucking sick of people telling me who i am,

Don't spam me with bullshit you take for the truth- In this painted narrative of yours.

I'm not your fucking lackey that you feed layers of purely, freshly, spewed HORSE CRAP.

I will snap.

Not clap.

And tell you exactly where to shove your words of change.

"Darling, you seem unhappier"

"I don't like this side of you i'm seeing"

" I miss the old you"

People can't seem to handle change,

In fact it is not the change people cannot stand,

it is the searing sensation of never knowing what you're thinking;

when You Used to Be the Most Expressive Bitch around.

and with self-expression comes the guileless assumption that everyone wants what's best for you.

How fucking WRONG.

People feed off your openness, they view it as weakness, for they assume they know what you're thinking and exactly who you are.

The jealousy of wanting to be you consumes their minds,


They question.

it is the insecurity embodying their minuscule brains,

it is the ones closest to you who wish the worst on you.

That is why the most expressive bitch now mimics;

the persona of a Statue.

Never allow others to tell you who you are based on a few perceived qualities,

You Know Who You Are My Dear.

Reclaim that fucking roaring lion within you,

Set her free and conquer the lands you would never venture upon.

People want to control you,

NEVER let them.

They control what they fear in hopeless hopes of silencing your inner light.

Let your benevolence coat the world as the sun does.

You have my unwarranted permission.


Be you,

Carve Your Mark Into The World My One Of A Kind.


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