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LUNA WAS SICK. SHE hated it so much. Her head was spinning and her stomach was screaming at her. She felt like she was suffocating and she had a whopping fever of one-hundred-one. Bella and Charlie both had offered to stay home with the girl, but Luna had quickly dismissed them telling them that she would be fine.

Her phone had been ringing but she couldn't find it in her to turn over and pick it up. She was scared that if she moved the dizziness and nausea would kick in again. She didn't know why see was so sick. She had been perfectly fine over the weekend, as well as Monday. But now she was sick as a dog and she didn't know why.

She didn't even register her window being pulled open. She was too focused on calming her erratic heart. Jasper looked at the girl with worry. He walked over to the girl, kneeling down beside of the bed so that he was eye level with her.

"Jasper? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" Luna asked, her voice raw. She whimpered in pain. It hurt to talk.

"Hey, it's going to be alright. You don't need to say anything." Jasper whispered toward her. He got up for a moment, leaving the room to grab her a water as well a cold wash rag to place on top of her burning forehead. He came back in the room and Luna shakily took the water from his grasps, drinking two small gulps of it before laying her head back down. Jasper placed the rag on her head before laying down beside of her. He gave her a kiss on the top of the head, and wrapped an arm gently around her. For once, Luna was thankful for his ice cold skin.

Luna had managed to fall asleep and Jasper took the opportunity to notice how peaceful and relax she looked. Luna snuggled closer to him and Jasper smiled down at her. After letting her sleep for an hour,  Jasper woke the girl up so that he could take her temperature again. His eyebrows only furrowed in concern when the fever had went up instead of down. It was at one-hundred-four now.

"Luna, we need to go to the hospital." Jasper told the girl. Luna only whimpered in response. Jasper quickly pulled out his phone, calling his father so that he was ready for the girl when they got there. Jasper picked the girl up bridal style before carrying her out to his car. He quickly drove them to the hospital before picking the girl up again and carrying her inside. When Carlisle saw his son carrying the blonde he directed him over to a bed.

Jasper gently laid the girl down and took a step back as Carlisle came to examine her. Jasper explained to him the symptoms she held and the girl was forced to be put on an IV due to her dehydration. She was placed in a hospital room, the lights turned off so that it wouldn't make her even more dizzy. Jasper looked over at his father expectantly.

"Is she going to be alright?" He quickly asked.

"She's going to be fine, son. I think this is her body reacting to her medication." Carlisle explained. He looked down at his chart as another groan escaped the young blonde's lips. Jasper so desperately wanted to rip her pain away, but he didn't know how to. So instead, he sat on the edge of her bed, holding her hand gently into his own. "I think I'm going to let her stay here overnight and keep tabs on how she feels in the morning."

𝐃𝐀𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐄𝐃 𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐒━︎━︎ J. Hale ✓︎Where stories live. Discover now