5. Him

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17 year old y/n pov 

A few minutes after I tried to do something I now know I will regret and a guy named Jack Dawson saved my life. I see Jack having handcuffs on and Cal is right in front of Jack and Cal is furious at Jack. 

“What made you think you could put your hand on my fiancee? Look at me, you filth! What did you think you were doing?!” 
I’m not going to let Cal think he was going to rape me when he really just saved my life. 
“Cal stop! It was an accident.” Ok i’ll admit that sounded stupid they think he was going to rape me and i say it was an accident. 
“An accident?!” He shouts.
“It was stupid really. I was leaning over and I slipped.” I look at Jack making eye contact. “I was leaning over way over, to see the uh.. Propellers. And I slipped and I would have gone overboard and Mr.Dawson here saved me and he almost went over himself.” Some truth and some lie. Jack smiles. 
“Women and Machinery don’t mix.” A guy that works on the ship said slightly offended towards what he said. 
“Was that the way of it?” The Master at Arms asked Jack. I looked at him and nod slightly and he saw the look on my face for him to just say yes and not say what really happened. 
Jack nodded and I was relieved. “That was pretty much it.” He looks at me a bit more longer and now we both have a secret. 
“Well! The boy is a hero then. Good for you son, well done!” Colonel Gracie says. 
“So it’s all’s well and back to our brandy,eh?” Colonel Gracie asked Cal. 
Jack is uncuffed and free and I feel glad that he’s not going to jail over a misunderstanding. 

“Let’s get you in. You’re freezing.” He rubs my arm while holding me to take me inside.
“Ah… perhaps a little something for the boy.” Colonel Gracie says to Cal and I feel Cal tense. Jack saves his fiance’s life and he’s upset that he has to give Jack something.  
“Oh, right. Mr.Lovejoy. A twenty should do it. 
“Is that the going rate for saving the woman you love?” I say with a smirk on my face and I know Jack noticed it. 
“Y/n is displeased. Mmm what to do?” He whispers that to me. 
Cal turns around to Jack “Perhaps you could join us for dinner tomorrow, to regale our group with your heroic tale?” 
“Sure. Count me in.” Jack says while staring at me. 
“Good. Settled then.” Cal grabs me and we turn around Cal unamused with what he did just now. 
“This should be amusing.” Cal says whispering just so Jack won’t hear. 

I enter my bedroom and I get undressed for bed. I see Cal standing in my doorway from the mirror and he starts to walk towards me. 
“I know you’ve been melancholy, and I don't pretend to know why. I intended to save this till the engagement gals next week. But I thought tonight, perhaps a reminder of my feelings for you.” He takes out a blue heart diamond and puts it on my neck. It was gorgeous and very blue like the ocean. “My God… Cal. Is it a-”
“Diamond. Yes it is. 56 carats.” He says so proudly. “It was once worn by Louis the sixteenth. They call it Le Coeur de la Mer, the--”
“The Heart of the Ocean. Cal, it’s… It’s overwhelming.” He looks at us both in the mirror gazing. 
“It’s for royalty. And we are royalty.” He caresses my neck and my throat and it just looked like he could possibly love me. Maybe? 
“There’s nothing I couldn’t give you. There’s nothing I’d deny you if you deny me. Open your heart to me, y/n.” 

Old Y/n Pov

“Of course his gift was only to reflect light back onto himself, to illuminate the greatness that was Caledon Hockley. It was a cold stone… a heart of ice. After all these years, feel it closing around my throat like a dog collar. I can still feel it’s weight. If you could have felt it, not just seen it…”
“Well that’s a general idea, my dear.” Lovett says.
“So let me get this right. You were gonna kill yourself by jumping off Titanic?” he scoffs “That’s great!” Bodine says while laughing.
“Lewis.” Lovett says warmingly but I laugh with Bodine. 
“All you had to do was wait two days!” Bodine says, still laughing. 
“Y/n, tell us more about the diamond. What did Hockley do with it after?” Lovett asked.
“I’m afraid I’m feeling a little tired, Mr. Lovett.” I said knowing they are just desperate to know about the diamond. Lizzy pushes me on the wheelchair. 
“Wait! Can you give us something go on, here. Like who had access to the safe. What about this Lovejoy guy? The valet. Did he have the combination?” Lovett asked desperately to know the answers.
“That’s enough.” Lizzy says while taking me out while I wave goodbye.  

Lovett pov 

I find Lizzy alone and I go up to her to talk to her. “Hey, Lizzy. I need to talk to you for a second.” 
“Don’t you mean work me?” she replies.
“Look, I’m running out of time. I need your help.” 
“I’m not going to help you browbeat my hundred and one year old grandmother. I came down here to tell you to back off.” Lizzy says with anger.
“Lizzy you gotta understand something. I’ve bet it all to find the Heart of the Ocean. I’ve got all my dough tied up to this thing. My wife even divorced me over this hunt. I need what’s locked inside your grandma's memory.” I hold out my hand. “You see this? Right here?” 
She looks at my empty palm.
“What?” she says annoyed. 
“That’s the shape my hand’s gonna be in when I hold that thing. You understand? I’m not leaving here without it.”  
“Look, Brock, she’s going to do this her own way, in her own time. Don’t forget, she contacted you. She’s out here for her own reasons, God knows what they are.” She says not believing her grandma was on the Titanic.
“Maybe she wants to make peace with the past.”
“What past? She has never once, not once, ever said a word about being on the Titanic until two days ago.” Still not convinced.
“Then we’re all meeting your grandmas for the first time.” She starts to stare at me.
“You think she was really there?” her eyes looking a little hopeful or convinced. 
“Oh, yeah. Yeah, I’m a believer. She was there.” 

Later that day

Bodine starts the tape recorder. Y/n is gazing at the screen seeing THE LIVE FEED FROM THE WRECK-- SNOOP DOG is moving along the starboard side of the hull, heading aft.

“The next day, Saturday, I remember thinking how the sunlight felt.” Y/n says with a little smile on her face. “As if i hadn’t felt the sun in years.”

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