I saw you. (Ashton Irwin)

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Hello! Welcome to my first imagine. This is about Ashton Irwin and how you meet, me please enjoy! xX

I had just parked my Jeep outside of my house. School was absolutely stressing me out these days. I couldn't find a way to get me happy, except for listening to my favorite band five seconds of summer. I've been a fan since 2014 a lot has changed since then except for my crush over Ashton Irwin. He was the drummer of 5sos, and man he had me daydreaming so much about him.

I stepped inside my house to see y/bf/n! It wasn't a shock she was in my house making herself comfortable with my mom.
"So how was school today? Learn anything or were you distracted again?" She cooed walking away to grab some water.
"It's cute.. you still think I pay attention in school" I sassily replied back. I couldn't help but notice her hiding a black envelope behind her back.
"Whatcha got there.." I said making wide eyes motioning to her hand.
"I'm so glad you asked.. well I was.. well me and your mom were thinking you deserved a little fun. So I pulled some string at the radio station and got you a pair of tickets to see a particular boy and you might like?" She said barely holding back her own excitement!
"Woah You got me 5sos tickets?!.." I almost threw up saying that. I watched her nod and grab my hands pulling me to my room. My mind was going absolutely haywire, the concert was in a couple of hours. I had nothing to wear, I wasn't mentally prepared to see ashton! What was I going to do!
After hours of endless rushing, we were on our way to the arena in my hometown.

We got inside and I was shaking with excitement and nerves. It was about to start when I felt I needed to use the bathroom, i asked if y/bf/n wanted to go with me but she reluctantly said no. I got up quick and ran, not even looking where I was going. I was zooming in and out of groups of fan girls.

*BOOM* I hit a large figure coming out of a side door, I was pushed back but I didn't know what to say so I kept walking.

"Hey! You dropped your wallet!" He said nervously.
I turned around too embarrassed to even say thank you, when I looked up I saw.. ashton?!
"OH MY- YOU ARE" I was about to finish saying when a hand went over my mouth and I was pulled into a room. I blinked and was suddenly being stared at by four boys. It was them, the guys on posters in my room for years. I wanted to speak but no words were coming out,
"— thank you.. sorry I just really needed to pee" I said so loud. I couldn't believe I just said that to them.. I could see Michael laugh at my awkwardness. I turned to ashton who was pointing to a door with a big sign that said "bathroom". I immediately shook my head and ran for it. This was so awkward.. I was peeing in 5sos' dressing room.I could hear laughing and whispering coming from the room.

I was looking nervous and the guys noticed. I looked at calum to see him making a face with his eyebrows raised.
"mate are you good?" Luke said laughing at my state of nerves.
"No- she was so pretty..I have to talk to her..right?" I said not knowing what to do. The boys looked at each-other, and laughed.
"Talk to who?.." I said coming out making sure my hands were dry.
Little did I know, that would be the beginning of my life with Ashton Irwin.


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