°Ryan° Chapter 3

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             I ran in my house. Jake's there he skipped school. "It's not what it looks-" I cut him off.

 "I don't care. I just want to disappear." I said going upstairs.

"Where your stuff?" He asks following me. 

"At school." I spoke softly. 

"I'll go get it but after you tell me what happened!" He called out as he's going downstairs.

I go in my room and go on my bed.

 I cried in my pillow for about an hour. I had to stop because I ran out of tears and I hear my front door open. Thank god my brothers home. I go downstairs and I see Angel.

               "Get out." I said through my teeth, my brother left the door opened?

 "I want to talk." He said lowly. 

"Get out! There's nothing to talk about! Let her bleed? Ew, it's emo?!" I hold up my wrist and it shows a bunch of X marks on the heart. "This is how much I can't stand you!" I said yelling.


 I cut him off. "No, Just get out." I said coldly. And with that someone else walked in. 

"Who's this?" My dad said looking at Angel. 

"No-" I was cut off.

"No, let me explain!" He said smiling. My dad looked confused. Angel held up his wrist and showed my dad. My dad knew it was my heart too. His face immediately lightened up.

     "Oh, Alex! This is wonderful! Call your mom!" My father said. "Angel Waters." Angel said, now shaking my Fathers hand.

"Hm. Alex and Angel Waters. I can get used to that name!" My dad said. I'm not marrying Angel! I run upstairs and Angel follows. I get in my room and Angel closes the door behind him. 

"Why the hell would you show my father?!" I said whisper shouting.

           "Alex Waters..." He said smirking. Ignoring my question. 

"Angel! Hello?" Angel looked at me then went to kiss me. I put my hand on his face and pushed him away. "Hell no! Go with Clarity!" I said and his smirk went away.

"I'm sorry. Okay? I didn't mean-" I cut him off. 

"Didn't mean what?" I said. Can't wait to hear this. He just looked at me. "Right. Like I said before..." I said. 

"What'd you say before?" He asked. 

"I said Leave." and with that he left.

          "Alex!" Jake called.

 "Coming!!!" I said coming down stairs. Jake looked at me nervously. I ran in the kitchen and found my dad and... Angel?! Talking? "Oh, Alex! I let Angel stay for dinner! Your mom wants to meet him." My father said smiling.

"No..." I said and I went to go upstairs. Then Jake grabs my arm. "No to you too." He says and pushes me in the kitchen. Angel glances at me then smirks.

      Then the front door opens. My mom came running in, she quickly put her stuff down and ran in the kitchen smiling. She looked at Angel and smirked. "This is him?" She said sitting down. 

"Yes!" My dad said a little too over excited.

My mom claps her hand in excitement. "Ooooo! What's your name?"

 Angel smiled. "Angel Waters."

 I rolled my eyes. "Can I leave?" I asked and Angel chuckled. 

"Yeah." My mom hands me $20. "You and Angel take a walk." I grab the money and start to leave.

         "Great now my mom knows too?!" I said walking out the door. 

Angel closed it, "Yep." He said smirking. 

"Stop! Not funny." I said. I left my phone at home.Crap.

 "I want to go for ice-cream." I said as we started walking into town. "Okay." He said shrugging. We walk in silence and go into carvel. We see Clarity and Her jock boyfriend in there.

"Actually..." I said and Angel saw Clarity, grabbed my arm and went inside.

              Clarity turned around and saw me and Angel. "Oh, Angel!" She said running over and hugging him. Her jock boyfriend looked pissed.

"Hello, Angel. I'm her boyfriend." He has his hand out. "I don't touch people's hands." Angel said hugging Clarity back. I'm standing there in awkwardness.

"Who's this pretty girl?" He said looking at me. Clarity quickly lets go of Angel.

"That's emo." She said smirking and her and The jock cracked up. Angel just stood there shaking his head.

      Stick up for me if you don't like it. I thought. "So, like what are you doing here?" Clarity asked twirling her hair. She asked this question to Angel because to her I'm invisible.

"We-" I cut Angel off. 

"We're looking for Africa." I said being sarcastic. The jock laughed and Angel chuckled.

 "Shut up. No-one asked the dog to speak." She said, I didn't answer. "Ha ha. Did the nerd go mute? Let's keep it that way." She said. I stared at her.

         "So, Angel. Like, do you want to hang out with me and Ryan?" She said moving her finger up his shoulder. 

"Uh..." Angel said looking oddly un-comfortable.

"Sure." He said. He so likes her. 

"I'll hang out with Emo." Ryan said, I looked at him. I gave him and evil eye. "Alex?" He said. I nodded smiling. 

"Wait... Never-"

Clarity cut Angel off by pushing him outside the door. "So you're boyfriends always flirting with someone else?" He asked me looking at the ice creams with me.

 "He's not my boyfriend, but same with your girlfriend?" I asked.

      "I don't even like her. If I could... I'd date someone else. I'm into the girls who can stick up for themselves but also know how to respect themselves." He said.

Sounds nothing like Clarity. "Same with me. But for guys of course." I said and he chuckled. I ordered and so did he.

 "Want to go to the beach? Not too far of a walk..." He said with hope in his voice.

"Yes, I'd love too," I said thinking to myself how he could be such a good friend.

 "Great." He says opening the door and letting me out first.

Hope you like this chapter(: Ryan's a new introduced character lol. Comment, vote, follow? Stay tuned for more:)
P.S. I know it's a short chapter!!!


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