°I Love You's° Chapter 7

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                                I quickly looked up and saw a man about the same height as Angel. He looked around 20 something years old. For some reason I was scared to be in front of him. I had this bad feeling. He snapped me out of my thoughts. "Are you okay miss?" He asked in a deep chill sending voice.

               Not the good chills by the way. I wanted Angel right now. He stared at me for quite a while. 

"I-um... I am fine... thanks but I got to meet my boyfriend and friends right now. " I said and I started to walk away. 

He grabbed my arm and pulled me towards him. His breath smelled like alcohol. He tried to kiss me but I turned away. I go to leave but he pulls me back. "Stay for awhile." He said.

 "NO!" I yelled and kicked him the balls. 

                                  He grunted in pain and fell to the floor. I ran away and screamed Angel's name. Soon enough Angel came out from the bushes I guess he was hiding waiting for me to run back looking for Synthia. I ran into his arms and started to cry. I was so scared, who knew what the guy could have done to me.

             Angel looked worried and called his friends out. They came out and Synthia wasn't here. "She went home. It was you we wanted." Ryan said as if he was reading my mind.

 "So what happened?" Angel asked me. I didn't look up at him though. I didn't speak. I was too devastated. "Alex..." He said as if he didn't want to repeat it a second time.

                        "A-a man. He was a-about 20 and h-he smelled like alcohol... h-he t-tried to k-kiss me." I said through sobs.  I felt Angel tense up. He was mad. I quickly glanced over at Ryan and he looked pissed off too. I guess he was mad. Am I his friend? 

"Where is he?" Angel asked. His voice shaking with anger.

 "Just leave it alone Angel. Don't start beating people up." Ryan said.

 Then I remember what happened with James. Angel wanted me to be his and only his. "C-can you take me home?" I said while sobering up. 

"Yeah." Angel said calming down as well.

                         With out me knowing he picked me up bridal style and started walking with me head in his chest. We made it to his car and he put me down in the passengers seat. He buckled myself up for me and he closed my door. Ryan and the other friend also go in the car. They got in the back and Angel go in next to me. He started his car and the rest of the car ride was peacefully silent.

                                      We pulled up in front of my house. Angel got out and before I went to unbuckle my seat belt, Angel opened my door and he unbuckled the seat belt for me. 

"Stay in the car." Angel said to the guys. He picks me up bridal style and starts carrying me to my door. With-out myself knowing my door was unlocked. He opened it and sighed knowing that I didn't lock it.

           He carries me up to my room and slowly lays me down on my bed. I am still scared and Angel made me feel safe. I didn't want  him to leave me. As if he knew what I was thinking he snapped me out of my thoughts. "Want me to stay tonight?" He asked his face full of concern.

          I nodded my head shakily. He smiled slightly and leans down and kisses me gently. He looks up at me and smirks. "I'll be back." He said and starts walking out. I sighed loudly for him to hear me. I wanted him to know I didn't want him to leave.

                                       He walked back into my room leaning against my door frame. "Yes?" He asked smirking slightly.

 "I-I don't want you to leave me." I said shakily. He sighed and took out his phone. He dials a number and calls. "Yeah. Mhm." He says my address and hang up. 

"Taxi." He said and I got why he called. Then he called Ryan and his friend and told them a taxi will come and get them.

                                                He then lays down next to me and my head nuzzles up in his chest. He has his arms wrapped around me. This felt so right. I smiled slightly. 

"I love you." He said and it made my smile fuller. 

"Do you?" I asked. I couldn't believe the words I was hearing.

                         "Mmhmm" He said and I felt him smiling. 

"I love you too." I said.

 "Look at me?" He asked more like a question. I look up at him and he smiles down at me.

 "Kiss me." He said and I leaned up and we had a nice soft kiss and he pulled away. "We'll talk about it more tomorrow." He said and I just nodded my head drifting off to sleep. He made me so happy. The bad boy loved me. I don't want to go to school tomorrow. 

                        I just wanted to stay there with him. He fell asleep to because his breathing slowed down. I still couldn't get those words out of my head. 'I love you' was the last thing I thought about before I went to bed. 

So I know this was a very short chapter! As they have been. I'm sorry for the late update and I hope you guys like this chapter. (: Stay tuned?! Comment, vote, and follow...! 


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