°PMS Mode° Chapter 10

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        <><><>I skipped the morning part... it gets boring...Alex's POV<><><>

          I walk into school. I couldn't sleep last night at all. I was so sad. But then again why did I have to be? Oh yeah, I felt like I loved him. He was so nice... and , and... mean. Hurtful. I felt myself about to cry again but I held it in. The day zipped by and I wasn't paying attention at all.

             4th period came and I walked in late. But hey! The bathrooms are far away. I feel pissed off and PMS mode. I'll be nice if I want ... piss me if I'll be mean. Thanks to Angel I'm like this now. "Why are you late?" Mr.C yelled? He just pissed me off. 

"Why are you yelling?" I asked sitting In my seat next to Angel.

    "Answer my question!" He said. 

"Answer mine." I said receiving a few snickers and an Angel staring at me. I didn't meet his gaze.

 "Do you want detention?!" He yelled again. 

"Lay it on me." I said smirking and I earned myself a detention. I didn't care really and I don't know why.

          Surprisingly Angel spoke to me. "What's your deal?" He asked sounding concerned. I ignored him and stared at the teacher talking. "Alex." He said. I shook my head telling him I'm hurt and mad all in that one shake. 

          "Alex." He sad more stronger than before. Why does he want me to talk to him when he was nothing but a guy who broke my heart. He went to talk again but I cut him off.

 "Obviously You're not getting the point that I'm ignoring you." I said coldly.

   He looked surprised by me talking and quickly covered it up with hurt and Anger. "Don't sass me Alex. I'm stronger and smarter. I can get you back." He said as If I'm supposed to be scared of him. 

"If you were stronger you'd tell me whats going on, be a man about it and if you smarter you'd know whats good for me because what you are doing isn't." I said all in one breathe.

           "What are you talking about?!" The teacher yelled and this time I spoke first. Karma's a bitch Angel. 

"Oh, I was just telling Angel how much of a dick he is and how he should stop caring because all he is, is a player. Someone who isn't my type." I said and almost everyone laughed and Angel's face was red of embarrassment. I smirked at him and looked away.

            "You'll pay for that!" He whisper shouted.

 "Now we're even. Karma's a bitch and you walked your way into that one when you left me." I said and perfect timing. The bell rang. I got up thinking where James was. I left the room. I accidentally dropped my books. I pick them up and something pulled me into a janitor's closet.

              They cover my mouth so I can't scream. I bite there hand. "Ouch!" He yelled. It was Angel.

 "What do you want.?" I whispered. 

"Why are you mad? Or sad...? It's like you'e PMSing." He says and that was just mean. 

"Because someone who told me they loved me then the next day dump me, embarrass me, and text me that we can't see each other and not telling me in person won't make a huge heartbreak?" I said.

      Then the lights flicker on. Angel is looking at me, he stares for a moment. Right in my eyes. And I stare back. "I can't tell you why. I can't. It means you getting hurt, and It makes more pain for me." He said looking down.

                 "I thought you loved me??" I almost yelled but breaking at the end. About to cry. He looked at me.

 "I still do." He said and grabbed my cheeks and kissed my forehead and walked out. Leaving me in the janitor's closet by myself. If he does why'd he leave. The bell rang and now I'm late for lunch.


This was just a quick update on christmas. I know it's short but I don't have enough time to make it long.
Thankyou so much for the 300 reads !!! I love you guys so much. Vote, comment, and follow(: Thanks again!!!



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