Part 11

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The sun had yet risen, leaving an excess of the night to remain over the large bed chambers. The early morning's darkness offered a sense of comfort for Rhaenyra. She could hardly see, but she welcomed the darkness. It shielded her from the sight of her new husband who's arm wrapped too tightly around her waist. She could not see the clothes scattered on the floor, the cloaks that thrown over her dining chairs. 

Rhaenyra laid still beside Jaime questioning her willingness in the previous night. She was disgusted in herself, her lack of strength in such an intimate moment. Repetitive, deprecating thoughts filled her mind as she felt her husband's snores against her neck. She attempted to silence them by remembering her new role in the game but even her new ambitions failed in reassurance. 

Carefully, she separated herself from Jaime's hold. She ignored her naked state as she moved to the other side of the room. Her eyes struggled in the darkness. She sat quietly against the cool hearth of the fireplace. Rhaenyra noticed the odd state of the fireplace, its white marble stones shining in the darkroom. It lacked any wood, ash, or soot. She wished for a burning fire to dirty the perfect fireplace. For the tempting flames that always beckoned for her touch. She craved a fire's solace. 

The sun began to pool through the room, conquering the beautiful darkness that encased it. Rhaenyra's violet eyes fell upon her new husband. She watched as the light brightened his features and hair. He shifted softly as the sunlit against his eyes, he reached for her. Rhaenrya pursed her lips and stood to search for a shift to wear.

In her simple search, she questioned her husband's person. He slept so peacefully, no worry evident on his pretty face. He was the Kingslayer, the man with no honor. He lied, murdered, pushed Bran off the Broken Tower, slept with his own sister! With all his disgraceful acts, Ser Jaime Lannister seemed to lack any form of guilt. In his sleep, he appeared to be content with himself. 

A knock sounded throughout the room, startling Rhaenyra. Bella entered carrying a tray of food, a new chambermaid followed. Both placed the trays on the dining table. Rhaenyra removed a shift from her closet as they left, slowly placing it over her head. She sat at the table, smiling at the food prepared for her. She reached to pour herself a cup of tea. The sound of a rolling object pulled her attention as the water pooled into her cup. Her breathing hitched at the sight of a thin vile lazily leaning against the tray's edge. 

Rhaenyra was grateful for Bella at that moment, the always obedient maid.  She hastily opened the vile, popping the small cork with ease. The concoction mixed well into the tea, smelling of mint and flowers. She gulped at the drink and gagged at its disgusting flavor. Her face twisted as she ran to hide the now emptied vile in a random drawer. She silently thanked Bella once more for the maid was willing to risk her honor for a vile of pennyroyal. 

"Good Morning," Jaime murmured. She heard him shift within the sheets, "How long have you been awake?" He rose from the bed, the sound of his steps echoed throughout the quiet room.

Rhaenyra reached for an apple, becoming anxious at the sight of him. She bit into the fruit and spoke through a full mouth. "I woke moments ago," she lied. "My maids have brought breakfast."

"Gods bless," he walked toward the dining table. Rhaenyra's eyes widened at his naked state, he truly had no shame. She attempted to ignore him, focusing intently on her apple. Jaime reached for her discarded cup, he sniffed at the leftover liquid. "Mint, I love mint tea. It makes your breath smell better." 

He reached for a clean cup, eyes shifting to Rhaenyra as she spoke. "My sons are joining us for breakfast." Her tone exuded pride as she leaned further into her seat. She dropped her apple's core onto the table waiting for his response.

Jaime sipped at his drink, "Taste like piss." His eyes met hers, the green ever so vibrant. He took another sip of his drink, "Ah yes." He dropped the cup onto the table and reached for a piece of toast. "The infamous Stark children. I will officially meet my new sons."

Rhaenyra's face fell. Her hands gripped the arms of her chair. "Yes. Domeric, Henry, and Robb." She smiled at the thought of her children, excited to see them after an awful day. The smile faded as her eyes wandered over Jaime's body, her gaze stalled over his damaged arm. The stumped remains were scarred, lines marked his skin from hurried surgery and the use of his golden hand. His imperfections intrigued her. 

"Domeric was your older brother," Jaime spoke through a mouthful of toast, he reached to pour another cup of tea. "I met him once." Rhaenyra's face brightened in curiosity, but he did not continue. "Henry? Any significance there? I cannot recall any recent Stark or Bolton with that name."

She shook her head, "We liked the name."

"And of course your newest is named for his father." He spoke obviously, sipping once more at his drink. "I am eager to meet them. However, I am also eager to attend my brother's trial."

Rhaenyra tilted her head in confusion, "That is today?" She reached for her discarded apple core, rolling it against the table. "I thought it was the coronation today."

Jaime excused himself from the table, desperately searching the floor for his breeches. "I forget my days, it might be." He lifted his crimson shirt a look of indifference upon his face. "I need to change either way and make haste to my own chambers." He triumphantly held his pants and began to dress. "Will you join me today? If it is the trial or coronation?"



"It is not my place. I am a Northerner." 

Jaime's left hand shook as he attempted to tie the strings at his belly. He struggled a sigh as the strings remained untied. "Yes, you Northerners and your Kings of Winter." Rhaenyra beckoned him to her side and began to properly pull at the strings. She listened to his words, mindful of each. "It would have been so simple if you knelt to Joffrey, the war would have ended in weeks."

Rhaenyra pulled the strings harder, heaving him forward. She gazed up at him. "We needed our independence from your son."

He pushed her hands away, "Such kind sentiments." Jaime pulled his tunic over his body and reached for his golden hand.

The door then burst open, Domeric ran quickly to his mother alongside Henry. Bella followed closely behind, Robb resting in her arms. The new chambermaid walked beside her, looking horribly flustered with a bright red face.

"My sons!" Rhaenyra opened her arms to welcome her children. Her eldest two returned her embrace quickly before separating to take part in the breakfast. Bella delicately placed Robb in her arms. The baby grabbed at his mother's dark hair, she did not mind.

The new maid screeched from her place at the door, "My Lord Jaime." All eyes fell on her, her face shifted to an even darker shade of red. "May I present to you Lord Domeric, Lord Henry, and Lord Robb of House Stark. Your new stepsons." The young girl heaved and waited for her leave. 

The two maids left, the children pulled at the food upon their leave. Rhaenyra giggled at their tendency. "Settle." She pulled her breast from her shift, ready to feed her babe. Robb cooed in excitement. His hands continued to pull at her hair as he happily ate.

"Mum," She turned to Domeric who lifted a piece of smoked fish. "Is he the knight?" He gestured to Ser Jaime, who awkwardly pulled his boots on by the bed.

Rhaenyra nodded and Domeric immediately discarded his meal to race toward his new stepfather. Henry took over his plate, sitting on his knees as he began to eat. He ignored his brother's questioning Jaime, simply preferring his meal.

"You don't want to say hello?" 

He shook his head, "No."

"Rather stay with mummy?"


"Good," she whispered. She watched as his dark hair fell to his face, she reached to push it back but it only returned to cover him. Rhaenyra laughed lowly, thinking to have it cut.

She was content at the moment, if Ser Jaime was not there the time would have been much better. 

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