Part 14

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Rhaenyra regretted not leaving. Remorse filled her when Vary's back turned and grew when the bells signaled a prisoner's escape. She hated her choice and loathed herself much more. Jaime returned to her chambers in a similar state. His face exemplifying his pure indifference of freeing his brother and betraying his beloved sister. He needed comfort in his state, demanding she please him as a wife should. He took her against the dining table. Rhaenyra hated it, she hated being his wife.

They were interrupted by a Lannister guard. The embarrassed fool turned away and gave Rhaenyra solace, he shared the news Tywin Lannister was dead. He was murdered on the privy, a cold look left on his face along with crossbow arrows. She deemed it poetic justice. The following morning it was confirmed Tyrion had given her this comfort for his old whore was found dead in his father's bed.

The threat of Tywin Lannister no longer existed. His death left a deteriorating house and a very happy Rhaenyra. His children fought for days, arguing over their youngest brother who made haste for the Dragon Queen. They screamed about their daughter, the young girl who was left in the care of the Dornish. Cersei would cry about their youngest boy who sat on the throne and his new wife who detested her.

Jaime would tell Rhaenyra everything when he sat with her and her children for dinner. It pleased her heart so until she was reminded by her own thoughts of her true identity. She questioned all, the decisions of others that lead her to have such a life. 

Rhaenyra could not help but feel content with Jaime in her bed. A blissful bitterness rising each time as she separated the Lannister siblings further apart. The strange happiness came as an odd opposite to her redundant despise she held for him. She thought of this as she laid beside her snoring husband. Her back rested against the bed's detailed headboard as she ran her fingers through Jaime's golden locks. His face was pressed into her side with an arm draped over her body, he snored deeply.  

The sun slowly peeked through the closed curtains, staining the floor with its shreds of light. The heat followed the light, burning through the walls of the Keep. Rhaenyra knew the bustle of the day would sound from outside at any moment. She would live out another repetitive day as Lady Lannister.

A smile spread across her face. Her hand moved from Jaime's hair to cradle his sleeping face. She gently stroked his scarred cheek with her thumb, giggling lightly. Rhaenyra brought her fingers to his nose, pinching at his nostrils. He struggled awake. His legs failed beneath the tightly made sheets. Rhaenyra's light laughter strengthened to a near uproar.

Jaime hit at her hand, heaving a desperate breath as he said, "What was that for?" His green eyes met her gaze, sharing an odd look of confusion and curiosity.

"You snore when you sleep."

He rose from the bed, gently pushing out of Rhaenyra's hold. Her face burned as she followed his naked form. Jaime quickly strutted to the dining table at the end of the room, reaching for fruit from the never barren table.

"So killing me would put an end to your irritation?"

She nodded, face reddening as he faced her. He returned to his place on the bed, nestling back into her side with two peaches in his grasp. Rhaenyra reached for the fruit as her other hand returned to his hair. "Murder is my solution to most things." She bit into the fruit and whispered a soft, "Thanks." 

Jaime bit into his own fruit, resting his stump of an arm on his chest. "Why did you wake me so early? No one is screeching in the halls yet." He spoke through a mouthful, the peach juices dripped from his mouth in a disgusting manner. Both did not mind.

Rhaenyra pressed her fingers to the juice that spilled from his mouth, eyes intentionally lingering on his lips. She threw her peach to the dresser meaning to focus on her husband. "As a married couple, I feel it is appropriate to share bothersome irks." Her finger moved from the corner of his mouth only to the tip of his nose. "I have been having trouble sleeping as of late, especially when you," she paused briefly. "Visit me."

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