Chapter 2

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Jesus loves you, repent<3

"Song Minju. Nineteen years old, and the daughter of Min Yoongi" The man spoke walking down the line looking everyone up and down

"Kim Namjoon, where's my reports?"

Namjoon's eyes widened in shock at his name being called, clearing his throat he quickly bowed.

"SIR UH- Jungkook broke the printer while he...played around"

Jungkook's head quickly turned to his elder, eyebrows twisting up in confusion.

Jungkook starts "But you-"

"But you took extra long to answer Minju-" Namjoon says while bending over to meet his eyes.

"ENOUGH. You two are- so annoying, Why did Yugyeom and Kai accept you two into being in the professionals? I'll never know" Yoongi sighed, face palming.

Letting out a laugh, his daughter walked up to him. Slowly patting his shoulder "Chill dad, we all make mistakes"

"It's Yoongi, on the job. little one"


Running out of the meeting area she slid her hand print over the door's scanner to leave.

"Sup Min" a voice said, slipping their arm around her shoulder.

"Off kai" she moved sliding out from his arm pit, making him frown. "Good pet" she smiled petting his head making him chuckle.

"So, what are we doing today?" he mmmh'd out biting into his apple "Arcade or stalking lover boy" he spoke wiggling his eyebrows.

Swallowing down the remains while raising an eyebrow, he watched as her face burned at the mention of him.

"You're still shy, after all this time?" He questioned in a shocked tone

"Yes, I've never even spoken to him sin-"

"Since the accident yes but aren't you tired of just being an outsider to the guy?" He spoke stopping as he picked up an urgent file from a new operator "Thanks" he mumbled turning back to the girl who stood staring at the floor.

"Look, all I'm saying is why don't you just 'out of nowhere as a "random stranger"become his friend? Just pop up at random places instead of stalking him"

The girl rolled her eyes at his honesty "Yeah right, I'd rather watch him get married to you than speak to him up front. Have you SEEN how fine he is? Like seriously K I'd pee my pants and die" Minju exaggeratedly says, falling into a wheeled chair while spinning.

Kai smiles at his best friend, stopping her as she begins to stand up and walk away. inches from her face.

"Just- don't become too obsessed to the point where he'll find out. It's weird bro, it's weird. Plus... i'm more attractive than him" he scoffed

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