Day One Of Many - Part 3

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"Hey wait up!" You heard Ricky yell from the bus. The tour you were going on started today and you were already at your first stop. Since you were on the crew, one of the jobs you had was to go and get groceries the first day so everyone had food. Normally you went alone because you didn't want to bother anyone else with asking them to come along. They normally just wrote out what you wanted and you tried your best to find what you could.

It was a dark and overcast day today. Your attire for the day was a pair of ripped jeans with a black zip up jacket. You did your normal makeup and let your hair down instead of wearing it up for once. There was the smell of rain in the air and you loved it, it was something you found comfort in.

Ricky quickly came running up behind you. You gave him a small smile as he walked with you to the nearby Walmart. Ricky was normally too busy to come with you when you went food shopping for the band, so you wondered why he wasn't too busy now. In reality he just didn't want you to have another encounter with your ex, especially seeing how the last encounter affected you and your mood. It was good for you to be out on tour though, at least you weren't going to be staying in bed all day now.

"So how's it been going lately?" Ricky broke the silence between the two of you. In all honesty you were doing the best and it had gotten worse since the last time you came in contact with your ex. However your side was sort of starting to feel better, so that was a plus.

"Um I'm okay....." You trailed off and sighed as the two of you walked into the Walmart. It really wasn't too big of a lie, after all you weren't crying for once. You walked over and grabbed a cart and started to push it before Ricky stole it from you.

"Come on get in." Ricky laughed and pointed to the cart. You gave him an unsure look, after all you were a grown ass adult.

"It'll be fun, that's what tours about right?" He raised his eyebrow at you. He was right though, tour was supposed to be fun so why not start now? You gave Ricky a small smile before getting into the Walmart shopping cart. It made you feel like a kid again as he pushed you around throughout the store.

"Alright first on the list is Rockstar." You laughed and tilted your head back to look at Ricky. He couldn't live without the stuff and you knew he was probably way too addicted to it. It was funny how many cans you would find just laying around the bus at any given moment. He pushed you into the aisle and grabbed the correct kind that he wanted, setting them next to you in the cart.

Ricky continued to push you around the store as you continued to list the different things everyone needed. Once you had finally gotten everything, you and Ricky both made your way to the check out. You carefully got out of the cart and stood next to him. It was kind of nice not having to shop all alone for once.

As the line moved up, you continued to follow it with Ricky right next to you. You pulled out your phone and looked over your shoulder at Ricky. Without him noticing, you snuck a quickly picture of the two of you and posted it with the caption, "Day 1!"  You knew the small amount of fans who knew you worked with the band and followed your insta would understand the caption.

Ricky began to put things on the conveyor belt while you finished posting the picture. You quickly put your phone in your pocket once it was done and helped Ricky place some things on the belt. It was a no brainer for you to post the picture of you and Ricky. You normally posted funny tour pictures of you and the band during the tours anyway, so you knew he wouldn't mind.

"Hey hot stuff." A random guy began to talk to you as you walked up to the cashier. You never liked being cat called or anything of that matter, and especially after everything with your ex. The guy started to get closer to you as you tried to just ignore him. Normally if you just ignored the guys they would just go away.

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