How Does He Do It? - Part 5

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"Come on no one has to know!" Ricky laughed as you leaned up against the alleyway wall. You smiled and fell into his chest giving him a hug. He greatly hugged you back and looked down making eye contact with you. You looked deep into his crystal blue eyes and something just sparked. Ricky slowly leaned in and you closed your eyes waiting for the distance between the two of you to close.

"OW!" You shot up in your bunk only to hit your head on the ceiling of it. What had just happened? Was it a dream? Did that actually happen? You never thought of Ricky like that! What the fuck was going on?!? You quickly looked around and realized you were in your bunk and it was completely dark out. What time was it? You turned your phone on, squinting as the bright light burned your eyes, the screen read 4:35 am. Great.

You sighed and got out of your bunk to grab an ice pack from the freezer so you wouldn't have a huge bruise across your forehead later. To your surprise, as you walked out to the front, Ricky was sitting on one of the two big couches editing a video that was probably a tour update. You made your way to the freezer trying to stay as quiet as possible. After all he was busy and you didn't want to disturb him. As you went to grab the ice pack out of the freezer, you heard a very familiar voice from behind you.

"Hey what are you doing up so late?" You turned around with the ice pack in one of your hands. Ricky was now sitting on the couch with one of his headphones out of his ears looking at you. You sighed and placed the ice pack on your forehead as you walked over and took the seat across from him on the other couch. Ricky gave you a questioning look and pointed to the ice pack as you did so.

"I woke up from a dream and hit my head really hard on the bunk, I just don't want to have a huge bruise there tomorrow." Ricky nodded as he listened to you speak. He couldn't sleep himself and that was why he decided to go ahead and edit one of his videos. You looked around in the darkness of the bus hoping he wouldn't ask about the dream. It was still confusing to you why you had dreamt this up and you were not ready to share that with Ricky.

"Well hey I'm gonna be out here for a while if you want to crash on the couch, that way if you have another one you won't hit your head again." Ricky just assumed you had a nightmare about your ex which was understandable considering those happened often too. You really couldn't complain about this offer, it would have at least prevented you from hitting your head again. Without saying anything, you laid down on the couch and curled up into a ball like you were used to doing before closing your eyes.

"Thank you...." You sighed in relief. Ricky could tell something was stressing you out and he hated seeing you like this. He quickly got up and ran to his bunk and grabbed his pillow and blanket for you. He would have grabbed your own but he didn't want to have to try and crawl up to the top without waking anyone up. You felt as he placed his pillow behind your head and wrapped you up in his blanket. It was a nice feeling that someone actually cared for once.

Ricky returned to his spot on the other couch as you slowly fell asleep. He listened as your small breaths could be heard from where he was sitting. You had not been getting any good sleep lately, mainly due to nightmares that would wake you up in the middle of the night, and it was really starting to show by how tired you would get. Ricky was just happy to know that you were getting some rest.

Ricky had been having some dreams and nightmares of his own lately as well. He had been hiding his own little secret from everyone, including you, for a while now. However some of the dreams he was having lately definitely confirmed to him that his little secret was true and not just something he thought he would like. Ricky had liked you for years now, he just never got the chance with you because of your ex. When he saw the bruises on you, he almost flipped his shit on your ex. Yeah Ricky was way smaller then your ex but he was still ready to kick his ass.

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