One Final Time - Part 9

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"Hold still!" You laughed holding your shirt up so Ricky could wrap up your ribs again. He had been doing this for a few days now and as much as it hurt you or how annoying it could get, Ricky was always so careful with you. It was almost like he was afraid to touch you. There were only a few more days left on tour and you were almost glad to be going back to a normal bed at your apartment. Ricky had planned to get a restraining order with you when you got back to Pennsylvania, and you were very happy about that.

"Does it feel okay?" You shrugged at Ricky and let your shirt fall back down your body. It sucked to have something pretty much hug you 24/7, after all you weren't the most fond of hugs. Ricky stood back up and sat down on the couch as you made fresh coffee. The two of you definitely loved your coffee and you needed it to even wake up in the morning. Ricky smiled as you handed him the fresh cup of coffee and sat next to him with your cup.

You cuddled up next to Ricky and threw your blanket over your legs. It was a pretty rainy day today, however you really enjoyed listening to the pitter patter of raindrops hitting the bus. Ricky lifted his arm and took a drink from the coffee cup before putting his free arm around you.

Your phone went off with a new text message just as you were going to take another sip of your coffee. You looked down at where it sat next to your thigh, reading what the message said. Your face went from a smile to a frown in a matter of seconds. The text was from your ex, you read what he had sent in your head, not wanting to alarm Ricky.

"I need $1,500 by 12 am tonight and if I don't get it I'll hurt your new little boyfriend. If you get me the money I'll stay the fuck away from you." You swallowed hard as you read the text in your head. There was no way in hell you were going to let that asshole hurt Ricky! You couldn't! It would kill you even to see that happen!

"Everything okay?" You sniffled a little and nodded putting on a fake smile. It was hard to do that in front of Ricky considering he almost always could see right through the fakeness. For some reason though, he didn't catch it this time. He just pulled you into a hug and smiled back at you.

How in the hell were you going to get the money though?!?! There was no way you could just ask Ricky for it! After all, you had already asked him for so much. Maybe you could borrow it from Ryan.... That could work. You would pay him back anyway once the tour was over so he really didn't have anything to worry about.

You would have to wait until after the show though. That way then you could at least talk to him while the two of you had free time. There was no way you were letting your ex anywhere near Ricky. It was one thing for you to get beat up but there was no way you could let your ex even touch Ricky. God you hated this constant paranoia that was going on in your head.

"I'm going to get ready and then head out to help the crew as much as I can." You sighed and got up from the couch grabbing your phone as you did. Ricky stood up with you and carefully wrapped his arm around you giving you a small hug.

"Please don't overdo it...." You nodded and laughed right along with Ricky. The last time you tried to help the crew, you ended up hurting for days after all over your side. So this time you knew you should probably listen to him.

You walked over to the bathroom and proceeded to get ready like you did every other morning. Yours ribs were getting better but they still weren't anywhere near being healed 100%. Hopefully they will be back to normal soon. Until then you had to deal with the stupid wraps and little movement.


"Ryan please ill pay you back I promise!" You sniffled a little and held onto Ryan's arm as he tried to leave the green room. You had been able to pull him aside after the show ended and you really need the money.

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