my really old bio

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Non binary/trans masculine names: Sofia, Steven, Hayden, Angel, Rain, or Sam.

Full name I want on my birth certificate: Steven Hayden Sampier.

What name serves more as a nickname: Sam, Angel, or Rain.

Angel's my middle name on my birth certificate and Rain was the middle name my mom wanted me to have, but everyone else voted for Angel, I'm actually more of a devil.

At one point I wanted to name myself Samuel Demon Dallas.

Never call me Samantha, use she/her pronouns, or call me a girl.

I'm ok with being called female because that's my biological sex assigned at birth.

Pronouns: he/him they/them

Sexuality: pansexual/panromantic.

Religion: polytheistic.

Type of relationship I'm in: monogamous.

Boyfriend: Robert Block. March 21st 2019 is when we started dating. His birthday day July 5th 2002.

My birthday is August 10th 2003.

Gender identity if you didn't already guess is questioning atm, for the most part I feel I'm a boy or neither a boy or a girl, I'm not sure if gender fluid counts because I never feel I'm a girl beyond my constant dysphoria.

My gender expression varies depending on my mood and what I feel like doing, if I go out I want to show myself male, or androgynous, I still want to show my feminine side on days when I won't be judged, made fun of, or called out as a faker, when I'm home alone I wish I could have a day to myself to practice feminine things without worrying about what others think, like for example, ballet or watching my favorite girly tv shows and movies I grew up with as kid.

It's like asking someone to abandon things they love just because they feel they're a different gender than they were assigned at birth...... Actually wait that's exactly what that is.

Age: 16.

Height: 5'2 to 5'4.

You don't need to know my weight.

Eye color: blue/green mostly blue to me at least, some say it's gray, I like to think blue, idk my dad, so oof, can't ask him.

Hair color: brown.

~That was my bio folks~

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