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I was awake , it's 2 a.m. . I was thinking about my past , a smile always appear reminding my joyful times . Who wants to stop thinking when it comes to laughter ?, well not me . There were good days and bad days but days are so much fun and exciting when I met HIM . So , it all began like this :

I was so fustrated , fustrated because Saturdays are the best but today it's the worst comparing to other days . I'm supposed to be studying Literature as it was my favourite subject ever . I wanted to enjoy the day instead of keeping on boasting my past , I wasn't feeling to do anything . Peace and some fresh air  are so good together but not for me as I sat on my couch . Thinking and thinking what  will happen to my future , my family and everything . Sometimes I'm overthinking and gets worried , I couldn't think of anything to do at that time . All I was so fustrated and I wanted something about it even though I was just sitting on my couch .

It was annoying , well I thought to myself to let a distraction fill over me but deep down I know I have to do assignments and I let all the guilt drown within me . I was going through my feed , it was so boring but  I saw an odd profile I have never seen in years , I stopped scrolling and asked myself “do you know him?”... “Well of course no , you don't !” I wanted to get to know him and find what is his passion . Yes , he was interesting , I mean very interesting . He is cute and most of all creative , woah a long hair and a beard . DAMN , he looks so good  . Last time I checked he can sing and play many instruments . BINGO . He was pretty awesome. Yes , I had to do some stalking first before I drag myself to him , So I decided to take a step forward and I texted him with a hi .

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