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Next morning , I woke up and quickly got ready to meet Anci . She send me a text saying to meet her in the café . I got dressed and swift away to meet her . I came to the café as I saw Anci sitting at the corner of the shop . I went up to her to greet her  “ Good morning Anci !! ” , she greeted me with a big smile . Both of us ordered our favourite coffee , I looked at her waiting for her to start the conversation . I was waiting to listen to her all night . Seemed to me she didn't want the conversation , so I had to talk something else . I continue to ask about studies and other things . while we were talking about studies and jobs . Another person joined me and Anci .

Max came to join , I was curious to know what he was up to . Anci must have invited him . He greeted both of us and turned to me , “ Thanks for coming ” he said . Duh ! I came to meet Anci . Max turned his chair to me “ so how's your stranger ? ”  he was smirking . I didn't expect Max to start  “ He is doing really well ” I said without turning to him . “ Max told me everything about him and I want you to know it as well ” Anci said . We were silent until “ Before you fall in love with a stranger , you should know there are many things to consider ” Anci said , at that time I looked at her . “ What do you mean fall in love with a stranger ? I didn't say that that I'm in love but he's important ” . “ He is not important to you and you have to get rid of him ” Max said in annoyance . I was angry , he can't just tell me what to do and what not to do . “ It's none of your business Max ” I said . Suddenly Anci said “ He has a girlfriend and he's just using you ” . WHATTTT ???? “ Are you out of your mind , I know him and he's not like that ” . I was breathing heavily and I know it's no use of getting angry . I was calmed . “ Do you have proof ? ” I asked them , in my mind I was praying for them to say no . Max took out his phone and showed me a picture , he was grinning “ I have proof ” . I looked closely . It's him . Hugging a girl tightly , his hands were around her waist and they were inches away  . I was speechless but it can't be , I left the place without saying anything to both of them . I didn't want to hear or see anything else . I went home as quickly as possible , I need to stay alone .

I've got many missed calls and messages from Anci and Max . I didn't want to be bothered , I switched off my phone . I was sleeping on the couch . My tears were falling and I couldn't believe it ! Even though both of us knew eachother for a short period of time , we shared lots of things . I trusted him more than Anci . Even though we weren't more than friends , I cared about him . I was heartbroken and angry . I remembered when he said princess and how happy I was , It was all a lie . Anci was right , he was just using me . I shouldn't have texted or called him . He didn't mean any of the things he said that time when he was drunk .  I was crying at that time , I thought he was a good guy .  How can he do this to me ? How can he betray me ? .

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