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As shrek walked out of the store he pulled out the toothpaser and he looked at it.
Gosh it was so sexy. But then he see a person wearing a hat. As soon as he sees this he screamed like a goat.
He also jumped which caused him to drop the teetcgposte.
Oh no he dropped his new liver.
And it fell down into helll!!!!!
He has to get here back so he ran into hell!!.
But then he relize he do not know where hell is.
But he know someone who does.

Shrek dialed the number into his phone.
He was calling cardboard cutout.
"Hellllo sexy ogre!!!" Cardboard cutout yelled into Sherps underwear I mean ear.
"I need a favor cardboard" shrek said making his juicy fat lips look fatter.

"Why would I help you"

"Because I ate a pumpkin"

"Jausisowoosj@/@9/9/9" cardboard cutout gasped "a whole pumpkin.

Cardboard cutout was shocked and so he agreed to help shark.
He told him hell was in binki bottom.

That's where sleek had to go biki buoottin.


Shrek x toothpasteWhere stories live. Discover now