Ender dragon!!!!!!!!!!!

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Shrek and cardboard cutout were actually getting along now!! And they were such good friends that cardboard had invited Shrek and toothpaste to explore this really good cave.
It was really gray and cool. The cave was good. Shrek was kissing toothpaste as they went into a certain area in the cave. There was what looked to be some sort in f portal there's!!! Sherk snd toothO looked at it it was weriddd!!! The cardboard started clapping.
"I've been lying to you this whole time!" He said "my real name is sonic.
"GASP" sherk peed as cardboard cutout took off his box to reaval a sexy hegehog in Minecraft girl cholera.
"AMd ThS Us My TpoThaSTE!!" Sonic yelled!!!!
I'm sherk a shock he grabbed the toothpaste and pushed Shrek into the potatl!!!

Sherk was sent to such a werid place with werid creatures! 
This was the end!
There was this huge dragon and it was staring at Shrek.
A hot sause tear fell out of Shreks eyes.
He smiled as the ender dragon ate him.

Shrek x toothpasteWhere stories live. Discover now