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⚠️ TW ⚠️

"How the hell are we supposed to get in!?"

"I don't know!"

"Should we try shoving it down?"

"Like that would work." Chan sighed, shaking his head. "Didn't Mrs. Park say she was calling the police? They should be here any second."

"Do you just expect me to wait until the cops get here?"

"Hyunjin, there isn't anything we can do."

Hyunjin sighed and leaned against the wall, covering his ears to muffle the cries coming from the room behind him. He started to sob.

"I told him I would protect him, and I said that I wouldn't let Jae hurt him anymore, but I couldn't stop this. He doesn't deserve this. I'm an awful boyfriend. I failed him."

"That isn't true, Hyunjin. You tried your best. This wasn't your fault in the slightest. I'm so sorry that you have to go through this."

"God, I love him. So much. I didn't realize how much I loved him until I lost him."

Chan pulled Hyunjin into his arms and let him sob into his chest.

"God, I'm so stupid! Why couldn't I protect him?"

The two boys were interrupted by shouts and loud footsteps from downstairs.

They could only watch as men with guns and bulletproof vests ran upstairs, shouting, "Open the door!" When the door was not opened, Hyunjin watched as it was kicked down by several men.(A/N: I don't know how a forced police break-in/search works so I'm winging it)

"Put your hands where I can see them! Don't move!"

Hyunjin craned his neck through the doorway. He saw Jae being shoved against a wall by a policeman. And then his eyes fell on Seungmin.

"Oh, my God."

His hands were tied above his head, which was hanging limply on his neck. He was unconscious, naked, bruised, and cut. There was a bloody knife lying next to him, the word "slut" had been carved into his thigh and the word "cunt" into his bicep with it.

At the sight of his boyfriend in such a state, Hyunjin fainted.

⚠️ TW over⚠️


Hyunjin was seated in the waiting of the hospital, Jisung holding his hand on his left and Chan doing the same on his right. Minho was next to Jisung, who had tears running down his face. Minho was trying his best not to cry, and just squeezing his boyfriend's hand tighter. Changbin and Felix were seated across from them, Felix crying as Changbin held him. Hyunjin hadn't said anything since they had arrived at the hospital.

But a voice yanked Hyunjin out of his trance-like state.

"I think someone wants to talk to you," Minho spoke hesitantly.

Hyunjin looked up and saw Jeongin standing in front of him, tears streaming down his face. Jeongin reached for Hyunjin, who pulled him into a tight hug.

"Family of Kim Seungmin?"

The eight boys rushed to the doctor to hear the news about their friend.

"Are you his family?"

"They're his friends, this is his brother, and I'm his boyfriend."

The doctor briefly looked at Jeongin before making eye contact with Hyunjin, waving him over.

THE DEAD POETS  ━ K.SM x H.HJWhere stories live. Discover now