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I know I have no excuse due to the current situation with the world pandemic but I have a trump card and I'm about to use it. Well, two actually; the first one is that I think I had Covid-19,  never got tested but was treated at home, a mild case with headaches, fever, burning lungs, and all that jazz, the second one is that I have been playing animal crossing new horizons nonstop and is like a drug to me. My switch is attached to my hand at all times of the day and I have finally unlocked terraforming, so this means it is going to get worse. 

I hope you like this part. Remember to comment. I do love when you guys react to the parts you like or hate, so, keep it going.

- D 💕


Show me yours and I'll show you mine.

Those were the exact words coming out of Robbie's mouth two days after Christmas. He kept ignoring my requests of finally showing me his V, he had hinted that the only way I would get even a chance was with me doing the same, I had not V but he would settle for something else, something juicer. He was evil.

Either way, he was making me forget about my encounter with Kent in the kitchen and how he followed my every move until he finally took off abruptly.

The air was frosty, it didn't matter the layers I put my whole body felt like I was going to freeze to death, good thing we had his mothers minivan, wasn't the sleekest ride but at least we had the heaters going at full blast while we waited for our drinks in the drive-thru. He was having a fancy nonfat no dairy coffee while I just asked for a basic hot chocolate. He had mumbled something about my requisition being a bit childish I merely shrugged and sat there content while I sipped my super hot drink.

"You have foam on your lip." His eyes crinkled as he maneuvers on the highway. Without a destination set, we just took off about fifteen minutes ago and the second I squealed at the Coffee place he shook his head and switched lanes to get me my hot drink.

"Mmmmh," I made even more dramatic by turning towards him. "Delicious."

"You know, he said after clearing his throat twice. "If we weren't doing the friendly thing that right there would have made me pull you close and kiss you."

Funny. He had tried to kiss me the second I climbed into the car. He wasn't going to stop trying and I knew that. Teasing him was fun but there's also the fact that he is a man, a hot-blooded male, and me playing sensual games with him would only get things so far. Tempting my luck was not what I was looking for, I mean had debated it with my pillow and a long FaceTime session with Sara concluded with me losing my virginity with Robbie if I kept it up. So even when I'm pulsing with the need of letting him slip my panties to the side I have to keep my legs close and also his hands away from my body, and mine from his. This girl has needs and for the last years of my life, I have been tempted far too much.

"You're quiet."

"Lost myself inside my head." I smiled, didn't want him asking questions. This was better when we were goofing around, but the no hands goofing around. "Where are we going?" If felt right to asks since there were no longer buildings or small townhouses. Just dull muted colors, the results of the sudden winter cold that always overtook our town. Stupid cold front but I rather have this than snow.

"I don't know, you wanted me to surprise you so," he said with a smug face.

"Please tell me you don't have tape and rope on the back seat."

"Tie racks and chloroform.

"You're joking?" I said letting out a nervous giggle.

"I'm afraid not." His tone was cold and it scared me.

Me and Older Men : JanieWhere stories live. Discover now