headcannos #1

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(Authors note: ill sometimes do headcannons, imagines and side chapters)

(Y/n) headcannons:
-your oblivious to almost to anything,your the type of pokemon to be playing with a butterfree meanwhile chaos is going on behind you.

-someone could give you all the signs that they like you and you still wouldn't understand cause you innocent uwu

-aside from ash you understand greninja pretty well because you're both kinda introvert and dont do socializing very well and also a very good listener.and thats what greninja loves about you so much❤

-you cant stop arguments easy and you dont know it.anytime Braxien and pancham argue you begged them to stop with your adorable puppy eyes they instantly stop.you dont know why but your glad they stop.

-you and Braxien HATE getting your fur dirty
-when you where a wild pokemon you. Would clean your fun by the nearst watefall

-hawlucha thinks your the cutest things he ever see
-hes actually SHY about talking to you
-not just because you're a female hawlucha
-he cant look you in the eyes without blushing and stuttering

-you can sing but you dont like singing near others
-you sing when your by yourself

-your fur is SOOOO soft fur fam!

-youre so nice and polite that it hurts

-you can easily be picked up because you so small!!

-you make Sylveon and Braxien question their sexuality

-you once tried to hang upside down like a bat pokemon

-your not good a swimming
-because fluffy cant really float

-you and goodra are besties
-goodra is in love with you tbh

(Author's note:this is headcannons 1# i hope you enjoyed!)

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