chapter 11 (adorable!)

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(Read the authors not at the end of this story :3)
3rd pov
You where asleep in your comfy pokeball you wasn't allowed going to practice or battle for 2 to 3 days because of your arm it was kinda annoying to have.
Meanwhile serena practice with her pokemon working on their moves
Combining them and making them into amazing sparkling light shows and improving their dance. It wasn't as fun practicing with out you. When they finshed practice serena released you out of your pokeball to get some fresh air and to stretch. "Hawlucha cha cha!(good morning miss serena)" you said politely, she gentle pets your fur "i hope your feel better" serena saids, "hawlucha lucha cha!(im fine actually thanks!)" You said happily. You sat and talked to Sylveon until they went back to practice. You watched as they practice, They was amazing at their performance, you looked over to see ash training while clemot works on his inventions. As you watched them performance you quietly hummed to yourself relaxing at the nice day, when they were done practicing for now you watched ash practice battle training with his Pokemon Braxien sat next to you while serena brushed her tail. You watched them battle. You wished you could battle them.the rest of the day was relativity normal you was just sad you couldn't fly,ribbon dance,or even battle. Braxien felt bad so she mostly stayed by your side until you got better. You where just glad your friends where with you while you had relaxed your arm and Braxien was glad to spend time with you.

The next day

You was able to take the cast off and it felt pretty good just a little stiff, finally you could do your ribbon dance you was release from your pokeball the group was out a flowery plain. "Ok pancham us stone edge then (y/n) us shadowball repeatedly and Sylveon stand on the stone and use moon blast on each one " serena command, they as she said pancham created a stone edge and Sylveon you then used shadowball repeatedly, Sylveon used moon blast for each one it rained pink and purple sparkles, (y/n)'s eyes sparkles brightly with amazement of the sparkling show it looks beutiful and people would love such a sparkling performance. After you was done practicing you wanted to fly to exercise your wings. You started to flap your wings to get up from the ground you started to fly around the flowery plain. you loved the wind

Sylveon pov
Pancham Braxien and I played in the flower field. I looked around to see where (y/n) went i looked up to see her flying she looked so happy to fly around. "Her wings are so pretty" i thought to myself i felt my face heat up just thinking about it. Then i saw something that made me pretty jealous

(Y/n) pov
"This is so fun!" I said flying it felt great to glide through the wind,i glided in the air doing some twirls i landed on a branch. I heard the sound of gaint wings flapping i looked to see noivern flying towards me. "Hi noivern!" i said "h-hi (y/n) c-could u-um i fly with you" noivern asked, "sure!" ,I got of the branch

Noivern pov
My face was heated. "She's so cute" i said to myself "what was that?" (Y/n) tilted her head confused my faced heated up more "u-u-um n-othing!" I said quickly. "Oh ok come on lets fly!" (Y/n) starts to fly she sounded so excited. We both started flying at first i couldn't see her i was faster and flew past her "where is she-" i looked forward, she was flying upside down looking at me.


(Drawing by me! :3)

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(Drawing by me! :3)

I blushed hard shes just so cute!
We kept flying around and did some flying races we were having so much fun i loved hanging out with her everytime she laughs or smiles my would heart raced.....................i think im in love!

Sylveon pov
I didn't understand. I felt this feeling in my heart that hurt when i saw (y/n) with noivern. "Could this be jealousy?" I thought to myself. I just really hate how noivern got to fly with her. I know i shouldn't think so mean like that but. I looked up at them flying together. My I felt my face heat up anytime i think of her. I love her

Time skip
3rd pov
Noivern and (y/n) flied around the flower field and had fun flying together noivern fell in love with you so much. You was so sweet and nice.
after (y/n) and noivern was done flying together she went with Braxien sylveon pancham serena and bonnie played in the flower field making flower crowns
(Y/n) was wearing on in (your fav color)  Braxien was wearing on in pink and so was Sylveon and serena and Pancham wore on in blue, and bonnie wore a yellow flower crown.we pretend he didn't like the flower crown but he actually really did. Braxien had flowers on in her tail while (y/n) had some of them in her wings. You didnt know you was being observed from a far from the other pokemons and others giving Braxien sylveon and pancham dirty looks from a far as well. But over all it was such a nice day.
Next on your poke agenda was to maybe battle someone. You wrote on the dirt that you wanted to battle and she was a little hesitant because she didn't want you to get injured again but she eventually agreed to it besides you could use some work on your speed plus you need to exercise your wings still anyway you stood in front of the battle ready. You was so excited to battle!

(Ok vote for which of ash's pokemon you want to go against until monday)
(If no one does ill choose)

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