11: My Mind

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It was 2 in the morning. The sky was like a rich velvet blanket of black, frogs were chirping so abundantly that they sounded like crickets.

"They're probably asleep..." Seo Dan murmured to herself, finally opening her door. Her stomach has been growling all day, imagining all the kinds of food in her head. "...Guess I'll go to the convenience store then."

As the hallway was dark and quiet, she took out her phone and turned on the flashlight mode, Just as she scanned through the walkway, her flashlight shined on two mannequin-like figure in front of her.

"Holy crap!" she yelled at the top of her lungs, jumping away but only to realise it's the Jeon Twins. Both of them were standing still, crossing their arms. Their baggy eyes were half closed, frustrated with what seemed like a never-ending period of waiting.

"Finally she's out!!" Jungkook exclaimed as he squat down and covered his head.

"We've been waiting for you to come out, Dannie." Jungsoo said calmly.

"Don't you need to go to the washroom?"

"W-What are you guys doing here??" Her anxiety started to rise, as she took a few steps backwards but slipped her feet and lost balance. Her face planted onto the floor.

Her glasses and phone dropped on the ground. The flashlight turned off, and the whole house immediately went dark again.

"My glasses!" she panicked, desperately tapping around the floor to search for it.

The twins approached her, "It should be somewhere near you-"


"No, it can't be," Jungkook gulped, his feet wriggled just to find out that he crushed on a pair of glasses.

Three of them gawked at the broken glasses in total silence.

"I-I didn't mean it."

Jungsoo rolled his eyes. "Dear God."


"We'll get you a new pair of glasses tomorrow." Jungsoo said as they arrived at the convenience store.

Seo Dan instantly declined, "Uh, no it's okay-"

"I'll go get food," Jungkook cut her, "You guys go find a place to seat."

Both of them slowly nodded. They went to find a decent area and sat down opposite to each other. Both were quiet for a moment. He tried to casually break the silence, "So, about the...thing."

Her heart started to pound rapidly. She doesn't want to face them. Not yet. Good thing she doesn't had her glasses on. His face looked blurry to her, releasing some of her nervousness.

A sigh escaped his lips before he spoke, "Jungkook and I didn't mean to cause any misunderstanding between us. We didn't realised that we're giving you false signals...we just want to be close to you since we're housemates."

Before she could speak, Jungkook returned and placed a hot cup of ramen in front of her. His face was somber, "Do you know how much I suffered? My girlfriend insisted me to delete all of the girls contact in my phone to make sure I'm not a playboy."

"....I'm sorry, Jungkook." she apologised sincerely, looking away as guilty filled her.

"If you're sorry about it," he said with a straight face, picking up his chopsticks, the next second he cackled a laugh, "Then let me have a bite of your ramen~"

She passed it right away to him, "S-Sure..."

Not even a word and Jungkook immediately stuffed them into his mouth. He was eating noisily, slurping the soup like some kind of vacuum cleaner. Then, showing no signs of embarrassment he wiped his mouth on his sleeve and belched.

There was discomfort in her expression, she breathed in, "I've always imagined my life to be like...a female lead in those movies, thinking that boys are secretly in love with me. I guess I'm just delusional."

"Ew," she cringed by her thought, letting out a laugh, "I'm such a weirdo! Who would ever like a nerd like me?"

The twins was a little stunned by her words and Jungsoo brushed it off, "Hey, you're beautiful! Don't think like that."

"Yeah," the younger nodded in agreement, his expression betraying that he's thinking of something to say, "You.....cute."

Seo Dan blushed at their comments. "Oh..." her face felt like a hot oven and she attempted to hide her rosey cheeks behind her skinny fingers.

Jungkook could tell from her blush that she must be overthinking again, and he quickly clarified, "Yah, we're not hitting on you! We're just stating facts."

She broke into a smile, the way her lips lifted upward, the way her left dimple crinkles. In just a split second, Jungsoo felt like everything had stopped. That smile is probably the prettiest thing he has seen in a while.

"I know, I know~" Her giggle softened the room, "Thanks guys!"

"Hm, if you're thankful about it," Jungkook showed his bunny smile, "Might as well let me have another bite~"

Seo Dan laughed hysterically, passing the ramen cup to him, "Here, take it all~"

The stress and worries that had kept them for days were finally cleared.


When morning came, Hana was back to her usual school routine. She found herself in the kitchen with Eve, preparing breakfast for themselves. The air was thick with the aroma of coffee, the sun streamed in through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"Dannie, get your ass out we're late!" Jungkook's loud sharp voice echoed from the outside.

"Here we go again." mumbled Hana through a mouthful of bacons.

"Geez, the class haven't even started yet!" Seo Dan complained, fixing her hair on the way out.

"Aigo~" Eve chuckled before leaving the kitchen. "The family is finally functioning again!"

"Morning," Jimin greeted in his silky voice, appeared with his clean office suit.

Hana's eyes lighten up as she watched him entering the kitchen, "Want some coffee?"

"Sure," He replied with a cheeky grin, standing beside her. "I'll get some creamer first."

His hands reached to the cabinet. Hana could tell he was zoning out, the way he shake the shaker seem so robotically. After taking a quick glance at his coffee cup, she gasped loudly.

"Jimin!" Hana shrieked. "...That's salt."

"Huh?" He blinked before checking the salt shaker he's holding and laughed awkwardly, "Uh, right."

"Are you okay?" Hana couldn't help but felt worried, "You seem... a little off. Is something on your mind?"

He swallowed before slowly glancing down to her eyes, a soft expression etched into his features.

"Oh, Hana." Jimin mumbled, his smile was small, eyes darting away from her.

"There's always a lot going on in my mind."

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