Forbidden Forest

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Fireflies glowed softly in the field. It looked as if the stars themselves had come down to dance around me. The moon was the only other light, it's fullness illuminated the tall grass and delicate flowers. As the shadowy figure on the other side of the field moved closer to me I knew I was in danger.

I had been walking home from the market. The next town over was a few hours walk, but the crops they yeilded were far superior to anything in our village. My father was too old now to make the journey himself and I enjoyed the long peaceful walks. Usually, things went without incident, but today the forest tricked me.

It was my fault really. Everyone knew better than to enter the forbidden forest. Those who had managed to escape its clutches only did so by day. I'd never heard of anyone coming back at night. If a woman's nature is to be gentle and caring, then I was born cursed.

As I was passing by I heard a sound, like a child crying, echoing from the trees. I feared for the poor child, alone in the forest. The crying didn't sound very far away. I was thinking the child might be near the treeline, merely unaware of how close the road was. My better reason told me to move on, that someone else would help, but I couldn't make myself leave.

As I entered the forest I told myself I would only go a short distance before giving up, but each time I tried to tell myself this the cry sounded as if it was behind the next tree. So I went deeper, and deeper. I didn't realize how far I'd gone until the sun began setting. By the time I'd finally convinced myself to go back I realized I didn't know where "back" was. All that surrounded me were trees.

That was when I heard the cry again. It was beneath a bush, right next to me. I sighed with relief. At least I had found the child. I leaned down to cradle the poor creature but as I did a lamb burst forth. I was so startled I lost my balance and fell back. The little lamb let out a cry. It sounded just like a child. Realization came over me, I felt a wave of sickness through my body.

I had heard before that a lamb's cries sounded like that of a child, but I never realized how similar they really were. As the lamb trotted off darkness surrounded me. I was alone, deep in the forbidden forest. The forest had tricked me.

I wasn't sure how long had really passed. After a while, the darkness reached its peak. Then all remained the same. I passed hundreds of trees, each one nearly identical to the last. Was I moving at all or only going in circles?

I shivered and drew my shawl around my shoulders. The morning had been warm. I only wore a summer frock and light shawl to travel. I was certain I would be home before the cold night fell. My little slippers were suitable for walking on the smooth path between the villages, but in the forest every sharp stick and rock stabbed at my feet from beneath the soft leather.

I regretted leaving my food near the road. I was sure I would only be in the forest a moment, but now it was late. I was hungry and there was a good chance someone had taken them long since. After all, who comes out of the forbidden forest?

I wondered that myself. I was more certain than ever that I had, indeed, been going in circles. Was I doomed to wander like this until I collapsed? Was there really no way to escape the forest?

As if my prayers had been answered I saw light shine through the trees up ahead. I saw no trunks past the ones that already existed. A clearing. I lifted up my long, cotton skirt and made a dash for the light. I ignored the forest floor as it stabbed at my aching feet. My shawl caught on a branch and was yanked from my shoulders, I left it. My heart raced excitedly as the trees thinned more and more.

I finally burst through the trees into tall grass. Had I found the road? My eyes slowly adjusted to the bright moonlight. No, not the road. A field of some kind. Disappointment made my heart heavy. I was still in the forest. The disappointment was brief though, as I suddenly saw a figure move on the opposite side of the field.

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