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Y/n had just finished drinking her cup of blood when her brother came in with a guy. She rolled her eyes and countined to eat her mochi. In Y/n's opinion, blood and mochi taste good together. Hongjoong looks at her and smiles. "Y/n this is San" y/n dropped her mochi. "San, as in Choi San, Satan?" She asked. San and Hongjoong nod.

"He is going to take care of you when i am gone" Hongjoong said. I frown. "So you are saying i need a babysitter, who is satan, himself" "I am the son of satan" San smirked.

Hongjoong sighs. "Well i am going now" He kisses Y/n's forehead. Hongjoong goes to his room. San puts his hands on Y/n's hips. "Let go of me" Y/n said. "make me" "HONGJOONG" San put his hand on her mouth and takes the other one of Y/n. Hongjoong comes down stair with his suit case. "Yes Y/n" San takes his hands off her mouth. "She just wanted to say go bye" San said. "Oh" then Hongjoong waves at them and goes out the door.

When he closes the door Y/n stands up to put her plate and cup in the sink. Y/n turns to go back to her room. San pins here on the wall. "let me go now" She yelled at him. He shoke his head and put his hand on her head. Y/n eyes changes from red to white. He chuckled. Y/n is now under his control. "this is going to be fun" he said to himself and carried Y/n to her room. He rips her clothes of and licks his mouth. "you seem deilous baby" 

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