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I have been trying to call Y/n for the 6 past hours. She finally answer. "Hello". "Finally you answer, where were you last night". "Hongjoong had to leave for a hunt last night and he left me with a babysitter, since rember what happen last time" she said. I chuckle. "Yes I do" "Well Yeah, he left me with a sitter"
"well my parents said if you can have breakfast with us today" "Sorry, but I have to do something" I roll my eyes. "You said that the last 6 times my parents inveted you for breakfast"

"You know that I can cancel the wedding, Just cause my parents and your parents said that we have to get marry doesn't mean that we accelutlly have to get married" She said. "Well Just cause you parents are now forbedien from earth and hell and heaven, doesn't mean that you have to do what ever you want, what will Hongjoong say about this" I scoffed. "He wouldn't care, because One it is my life not his and Two because he doesn't want me to marry you" She said. "YOU AND ME ARE STILL GOING TO GET MARRIED AND THAT IS IT" I yelled.

I ended the call. I walk to the shower and take a quick shower. I get out and change into some clothes. My legs still hurt from last night. I think that San is hot, but Jay doesn't want me to cancel the wedding, and San is just a fuckboy. I sigh. I do my makeup and brush my hair and teeth. I go downstairs and see San and Hongjoong eating breakfast. I sit down next to Hongjoong. San pouts. "Princess why don't you sit down next me". I roll my eyes. "Did Jay call" asked Hongjoong. "Who is Jay" asked San."It is Y/n's finace" "SHE HAS A FINACE!!!" Yell San. Hongjoong and I nodded. "Why are you asking" asked Hongjoong. San puts his hand on Hongjoong's forehead. Hongjoong's eyes turn white. He then takes his hand off of Hongjoong's forehead. "Y/n, I think that you are maybe pregnant" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN" I yelled. He looks a the table. "I wasn't using a condom and I didn't pull out"

I quickly got up and ran to the corner store. (all vampires in this story have the power of speed) I quickly grabed 5 pregnancy tests. I fell hungry. I am craving Bananas with ketchup. I go to the food area and grab a couple of bananas and a bottle of ketchup. I pay and run back to my house. When I am barely getting on the steps of my house i noticed a figre knocking on the door. He turns around to look at me. I gasp and drop my bags.

"What do you have in the bags Y/n" said Jay. "Food". He comes up to me and grabs the bag. I try to pull the bag away from him. But he pulls it harded. I fall to the ground. He looks inside the bag and gasps. "SO YOU HAVE BEEN CHEATING" He yelled at me and throws the bag at my head. But something catches it before it hits my head. By something. I mean someone, Choi San.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2020 ⏰

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