Chapter 14: The secret man

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"How does it look?"

"You guys doing good.."

"So this is it?"

"Yes sir."

Once their intercom conversation is ended, he looked around the rusty looking building. It's seems like this building recently doing a poor renovation.

Suddenly, John felt something coming near him. With quick reflex, he turned around. "Zhang.."

"We're good?"

"I think we should look further inside."

"Got it."

Then both of them took a tentative steps ahead with Snow's guide inside their earpieces.

"Stop right here." Snow commanded them.

John and Zhang put a halt on their footsteps at the same time.

"Put the heat sensor to your 2 o'clock." 

Without any delay, John stick the heat sensor device on the wall just like Snow said. 

"The sensor has planted successfully."

"Affirmative. The heat sensor now will detect any living heat within 500 meter radius. You've reach the heart of the building sir."

"Roger that."

Then John looked at Zhang, and his face is not like John's hoping to be. "If you can't do it, retreat from this mission immediately."

With John's stern voice hitting his both ears, he turns around in shock, "No, that's impossible!"

"Then, get your head straight. I can't afford you to lose focus in this."

Just like that, Zhang instantly felt guilty. He knew he.. having a ruffled mind just now and.. a bad feeling. He's sighing, "I-I'm sorry.. I let myself being careless, again.."

"Sorry won't cut it. Do well." John warned him.

"Yes sir."

Eh, what? Sir?

Now I'm sir-ing him?

What's wrong with me?

Zhang realized that he's not being himself again. Sigh..

"Mr Zhang, just follow my guide then you can stay focus." Snow suddenly giving a comment.

Zhang looked extremely surprised and his face gradually turning into red. "R-Roger that."

"Good. Now head south-east, I'm picking up some visual with the thermal detector."

"Let's go."



After the shot, the building turned into a deep silent . Everyone holding their breath with eyes open.

"You ignore my order.. Matta.."

The gun in Matta's hand fell with blood scattered around the floor. His face looked terrified. "I-I..." His eyes bulged like he just saw a ghost before him. A man with awful terror vibe around him, made him shuddered to his bone. 

"It's.. ah, I-I just want to scared her.."

Then the man walks in and says this, "You appears don't enjoy your life anymore."

"It's just an act!"


"You're right.. It's just an act."

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