Chapter 16

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Matthew's POV

Adriana fell asleep on my shoulder, she looked so cute sleeping. Then my phone buzzed. It was Cameron

Cameron- Hey dude, what are you getting Adri for her birthday? Can you help me out, because I know she likes you and of course loves me but I don't know what to get her.
Matthew- I'm going to get her a necklace with her name on it. Maybe you can get her like one of your sweaters or mine.
Cameron- She already has 2 of my sweaters. She really likes Jordans and she has like 8 pairs.
Matthew: The other day, her and I were eating breakfast and she was looking at these J's. She showed me and I told her to send me the picture.
Cameron- Send me the picture yeah?
Matthew- sure

I sent Cam the picture, he said thanks. I already told someone to make a necklace with her name on it.

(1 hour later)

Adriana woke up and we just started talking. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my pocket and it was my ex girlfriend, Cassandra.

Cassandra- Hey babe, hope you forgave me for what I did months ago.

I didn't reply because I'm never going to forgive her, so I went to her contact and blocked her.Good thing Adriana was on the phone with her best friend. Minutes later Adriana got up and sat in another seat since we were on a private plane.

(Adriana's POV)

I was on the phone with my best friend Nicole, I haven't talked to her in awhile
(Nicole -N & Adriana-A)

N-So how are things with Matt?

I got up and sat in another seat because I didn't want him hearing what I was saying.

A- Actually good but like we still act like if we were friends. Yeah we kiss but we don't talk lovely sometimes.
N-wow what about Jack G?
A- Jack is good, but he's very jealous about me dating Matt. He sent me a picture of him and I when we were dating.
N- Adri I think Jack is still in love with you
A- Should I ask him or not?
N- I think you should just to make sure.
N- I got to go Adri, see Ya in L.A.
A-ok bye

(End of convo)

I still sat in my different seat and I texted Jack to come sit with me and like a minute later he came. We sat way in the back so the other guys won't hear us.

"So I wanted to ask you something," I said

"Ok," he said

"Do you still have feelings for me?" I said

"Adri I have never stopped loving you since we broke up. I always think about you. I'm always looking through our old pictures."

"Aww Jack," I said kissing him on the cheek

He pulled out his phone and put all the pictures we took together. I looked through every single one of them. I saw a picture of us making a heart with our hands combined, his hand was one half and mine was the other. Then, it was the last picture.

"I really can't believe you saved these Jack," I said

" I saved them because they reminded me of you and I look at them everyday." He said

I gave him a hug and a kiss and he did the same.

"Do you still remember our secret spot by the little lake?" I asked

"I never forgot about it." He said smiling

"Well I got to go or Matt is going to start asking questions," I said

"Ok," he said giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and I did the same. I got up and went to where I was sitting.

I sat down and when I said that Matt asked questions I mean it, he blew up like a balloon. Questions like,

"Why did you leave?"
"Why did you leave me alone?"
"Were you talking to another guy?"

That last one I was scared of but I answered all of them with,

"I was talking to Nicole"
"She was telling me about her boyfriend and wanted to know about you"
"And no"

The last one was a lie though, I was talking to Jack G.

"Ok just making sure," he said

I put on my Beats and put my music on.

(2 hours later)

We finally landed and it feels so good to be home. We got off the plane and went to get our bags. Once we got out bags, we all got in the limo and it wasn't going to our normal house.

"Hey Cam, this isn't the way home." I said

"I have a surprise for you just wait like 5 more min." He said


Five minutes passed and we pulled up to a huge house with 7 floors.

"This is the surprise!" I yelled

"Yeah Adri!"

"Omg, I call the big room just saying!"

"Ok princess👑," Cam said

I got out of the limo and grabbed my backpack and my suitcase. I opened the door and walked to the big room. It had a balcony and a huge bed and there was a flat screen tv. Also my favorite, a walk in closet.

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