Night Shift

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Jeremy's POV-
I was sort of afraid of this "Mike" guy but I mean as long as I have someone to help me through my job..

Mike's POV-
"Alright, let's get this over with." I mutter. "Um s-sir what d-do we do h-here." The newbie said. "First of all what's your name?" I ask. "J-Jeremy Fitzgerald.." He mumbled. "Second you don't have to call me sir. Call me Mike." I say ruffling his hair. I thought I saw him blush but I wasn't sure.

Jeremy's POV:
I hope Mike didn't see me blush. He's really hot and I don't want him thinking I'm some weirdo. I snapped back to reality when Mike said,"So do you know what to do here?" "N-no not really si-Mike.." I stuttered. "I'll help you with your first couple shifts so you know what to do.

(TADA!! I'm leaving you with a cliffhanger I know I just had to)

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