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Dolls POV:
Bleh. Who's this piece of trash Mike brought in? "Mikkeeyy...does he really have to stay here?" I said, pouting. Mike sighed and said,"Doll meet Jeremy, Jeremy meet Doll." That thing called Jeremy held out his hand for me to shake. I slapped his hand away. "Hold on Jeremy, me and Doll need to have a quick chat."

Mikes POV:
I pulled Doll over to the hallway and asked,"What's up with you today? I need to help this guy out...he's having a rough time." Doll grumbled. "Fine.."
I feel like I wanna break up with her.

Jeremy's POV: I sighed. I always wondered what it felt like to be kicked out...into the rain... "You can stay!" Mike says and he hugs me. Doll looked like she was about to blow. "Mikey can I get a kiss?" Doll says looking straight at me. "Um..sure" Mike says as he kissed her. I hate Doll..

Dolls POV:
That'll teach that runt not to try and take Mike from me. I always get what I want. "Mike I have to go to the store. Don't miss me too much!" I say and go out to my car.

Jeremy's POV:
"Um...M-Mike? I'm still s-soaking wet from the rain.." I say shivering. "Oh yeah forgot let me go get something for you to wear." I blushed at the thought of wearing Mikes clothes. He went upstairs.

Mikes POV:
I noticed that Doll's phone was still here. I saw it buzz and I picked it up. A text read, "Are you almost here baby? I can't wait to kiss you're lips" My hands started shaking as I dropped the phone. Doll was cheating on me? I stood tall and told myself,"I don't need her anyways..when she gets back I'm going to kick her out! I knew I couldn't trust that woman.

Jeremy's POV:
I heard something fall to the floor upstairs and I walked upstairs. I saw a phone with a pink, now broken case on the ground and Mike standing there. "U-um Mike...are you o-ok?" I stuttered. "Doll is cheating on me." He said and turned around. I thought he'd be sad but he looked mad. "When she gets back I'm kicking her out." I couldn't help but smile on the inside.

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