Thirty Four

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Weeks went by. Regina's belly did grow and that pumped hormones into her system. Those hormones only fueled the darkness her mother corrupted her with which was sometimes a handful to deal with. The Queen did manage to retreat her armies from the wars her mother started in many kingdoms and realms; however, Regina still had that horrible temper.

It started after Cora killed Ivy. Emma put a spell on her body to preserve the flesh and collected the dust from Ivy's heart. Since the young girl has magic, there's a possibility of reincarnation. Emma is willing to take that chance especially since she loves Ivy almost as much as Regina does.

Then the girls took the carriage down to the estates. The homes were already surrounded by other disheveled nobles who lives close on their own lands. They explained to Regina what happened: Cora. She killed every single one of Regina's Aunts and cousins big and small. Regina, all though torn, showed no emotion whatsoever and that worried Emma. Regina then quickly retreated the armies like Emma advised and searched the castle high and low for her Uncles and Grandmother; they were gone.

Now Regina is four months pregnant, turning 18 in a few more, and is on a downward spiral. The darkness is putting power to her head and it seems she wants more and more of it. Of course she isn't doing it the way her mother has, but she is feared due to her ways nonetheless. She even started using her magic and reading spell books; becoming stronger.

Not that anyone can blame her: times are hard. She and Emma had their wedding just last week in the Enchanted forest. The kingdom was more than excepting whereas the priests in Regina's kingdom refused to wed them. It still happened despite their efforts and a coronation to crown Emma came the following day. Surprisingly so, most of Regina's subjects were thrilled about the Savior being their second Queen. Emma made sure to convey that she wanted to be referred to as King which stirred more anger in homophobes but the couple hardly cares.

They were happy to be finally married and have a baby. The kingdom began to prosper in a good way again, and they work so well together that no homophobe dared to curse their name. However, Emma had problems at first: her brother and sister. Hope and August were not thrilled at all. They were pissed that Emma quickly married Regina after they tried to convince her to rule her home kingdom. So, to ease their anger, Emma decided to take August's crown deeming the Enchanted Forest a sister kingdom with Regina's. They both signed a law for a forever alliance and that was that.

Emma thinks about Regina all the time when she goes on her nightly patrols. Sometimes she walks alone, leaving the soldiers to spread in groups. They don't mind being as though they enjoy their ruler accompanying them in doing labor: that's never happened before. Because of this, Emma is respected by the entire army which consists of half a million knights with both kingdoms combined.

There's word of a murderer in the kingdoms. Someone is slaughtering the subjects in the villages at night but nobody knows who is doing it. Regina and Emma have both received complaints; at first there was only a few. Then more and more kept piling in and Emma finally decided to join the soldiers at night to investigate. So far there had been no sign of anything.

Knowing she might not find any trace in the woods, she begins to think about baby names. Maybe she should name the baby after its grandparents? Regina may absolutely love that. Or they should wait until it's born where they learn the gender and the baby's name will simply come to them when they see it. It's all so exciting to Emma. As she always says: her baby is having her baby!


Emma pauses her trekking after hearing a snap in the distance. It's close enough for someone to jump out on her at any given moment. In a swift motion she unsheathes her sword and holds it before her as she guards every direction around her.

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