The Summoning|CLOSED|

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You were just living about your normal life. It could have either been very miserable, normal, or luxurious.

But today seemed different. You had a gut feeling but you don't know why. All of a sudden while doing something random you were engulfed in a bright light before you appeared in a large throne room.

You see around you that there were other people looking at you, they wore what seemed like clothes that existed in those fantasy movies or those in your history books. Amongst these people were also some other humanoids but they had different features, like animal parts and such.

They were all murmuring and whispering things like "are those the heroes?" Or "they're dressed weird"

You then look around again to see more people who did seem like they were from earth, some had somehow had their species changed into something else(for those who didn't want to be human lol) they were all confused as well, but you could see that they were holding weapons and so were you!

You were confused, you were brought into a new location suddenly, there were people and others there murmuring about you, and you held a weapon.

"Welcome, Heroes." A loud authoritarian voice said.

You take a look at the throne room and see a king.

You take a look at the throne room and see a king

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"Welcome to Nesryldia, Heroes." The king said welcoming you and the others summoned into this location.

You had just been summoned and now this king figure was welcoming you and the other people summoned with you. He started calling you heroes and such. How do you react?


"Those weapons made for destruction, will now be the ones to save us."(an RP)Where stories live. Discover now