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Sonic and Tails we're now exposed to crowd in the kingdom, the people of Arendelle were confused on what were they were, this caught Elsa, Anna and the other's eye as they never seen any creatures like these before.

Sonic: "What's with everyone why are they staring at us like that?" He asked as he just looked down at his cloak to just realized that it was burned off by the fire so as Tails.

Tails: "Sonic don't you think it's time to g-

Royal guards: "Hault. Don't let them get away!" As he shouted every guard had there crossbows ready to fire at the two. "Ready. Aim. Fir- huh?"

Elsa stood in front of the two creatures defending them. "Hold your fire, these two saved these peoples lives know there not criminals." She explained

Royal guard: "But" was cut off by the Queen

Queen Anna: "It's true these um, two..." She was trying to find a name to describe these two hero's. "These two are hero's no ones under arrest." She told the guards making them return to the castle Elsa and Anna then walked up to Sonic and Tails.

Queen Anna: "Hello there, so um.. what's your name and what are you two?" Anna asked as she was curious to what are they.

Sonic: "I'm Sonic, Sonic The Hedgehog." He introduced himself to the two beautiful women.

Tails: "And I'm Miles prowler, but you can just call me Tails." He introduce himself as well.

Queen Anna: "Nice to meet you, I'm Anna, Queen Anna of Arendelle." She bowed "And this is my big sister Elsa." She introduced

Elsa: "I am Elsa the Snow Queen, I used to be Queen of Arendelle but I finally know where I actually belong. She also bowed

Anna: "Oh and this is Kristoff, his best friend Sven the rain deer and this is Olaf." As she introduced them.

Olaf: "Hi", I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs. He said as He ran up to Tails to give him a hug and Tails accepted the hug from him

Anna smiled and then peeped at the hedgehog and foxes injuries.

Anna: "Oh no you're hurt we need to get you two into medical treatment immediately." She said as she showed them the way to the castle.

Sonic: "Nah it's nothing we're used to it we get into situations like this all the time, and plus it's them who needs medical treatment than we do. Sonic pointed out of the two adults they just saved.

Anna looked at the parents "Very well Sonic, guards get these people some treatment." She commanded.

Elsa: "You two must be exhausted." Elsa stated "Why don't you stay at the castle tonight, we have guest room's for you." Elsa added

Tails: "Well.." Tails trying to think "I guess we could stay for the night until we get back, what do you think Sonic?" Tails turned to Sonic.

Sonic: "Hmmm?" Sonic started to think

Olaf: "Please?" Olaf asked Sonic "I wanna get to know you guys and perhaps play charades with you two, pretty please?" Olaf begin to give him the puppy eyes

Sonic: "OK fine" Sonic answered "But we're just staying there for tonight then we need to find a way to get back home." He replied

Olaf: "Hooray!"Olaf cheered

Kristoff: "Where is your home exactly?" Kristoff asked

Tails: "Our home is Mobius, that's the world we came from and we must get back at once." Tails said in determination to the other.

Sonic: "Do you think we can explain this more in the castle please?" Sonic asked Anna

Anna: "Of course." She answered "Right this way." Showing them the way to the castle and they all followed.

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