Chapter 1 Introducing the Kujo Twins

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Edited and rewritten


Yellow sunshine, it lights up the city waking up the birds as they sing loudly towards the bright blue sky. The warm rays peak through the thick curtains waking up a large giant. I say giant as this teenager is humongous, 6'3 tall. He groans and turns over but couldn't move, lifting his head up he notices he isn't in his room. He recalls last night and an embarrassed blush fill his cheeks. Jota stayed up late last night working on the homework with Jotaro and uncharacteristic of him fell asleep. Jota sighs as he sees his unfinished work book off into the distance. Jota felt his brother's large hands move on his waist, Jota's brother was taller and even more larger than he is as his brother is 6'5. Looking at the time and calendar on the wall the tired expression turns into fear, school starts in one hour. "Jotaro. Jotaro wake up. We are going to be late to school." Jota felt the grip on him tightened. Jotaro opens one of his eyes showing his turquoise ocean coloured eyes.

"Don't care." Jota felt himself get pulled back down onto Jotaro's chest and felt stuck as Jotaro's arms snake around him.

"For God's sake. Jotaro if you get up now I'll make your bento tomorrow." He felt the large giant sit up both eyes open and a teasing smirk.

"Deal." And commence the two rushing to put on their uniforms. Jotaro moves his fringe back and puts on his iconic hat on. Jota grabs his glasses and pushes them up his nose, the Kujio twins are ready! They rush to the kitchen only with enough time to make toast but sitting there were two already made with jam on. "I knew I should wake you up but it was too cute!" Their mother fan girls while giving them bentos and the two slices of toast.

"Mom..." Jota sighs.

"Bitch, should of woke us up. Were late."

"Okay! Goodbye kisses." She kisses both of the twins cheeks somehow and waved them off.

"If we hurry we can make it on time." Jota says as he pushes up his glasses making them gleam for a moment. Jotaro nods and starts running along with Jota. The two were like glue by how close they are, they may look similar but there are some differences you can notice. Such as how Jota's eyes are more green than blue and he has a nicer personality than Jotaro as well as being shorter than Jotaro the giant. Jotaro on the other hand has a much more blue eye colour while his personality is nails on a chalkboard unless he's talking to Jota. Jotaro doesn't change completely he just acts way much kinder and pleasant, some comment on how cute it is but quite frankly they usually disappear for a week. The two were Yin and Yang I guess?

"Kujo Jotaro?" The teacher's monotone voice drones as he says the name. He felt emotionally drained when he's in Jotaro's presence. "Jotaro?" Just as he asks the second time the sliding door opens and standing in the doorway was Jota and Jotaro.

"Sorry that were late..." Jota speaks with a small frown as Jotaro glares at everything. The teacher merely nods and tell them to sit down.

"Late marks for you two- nope. No late marks." Just before he could write the DT down he immediately felt Jotaro's glare shift onto him and feel the menacing smile of Jota look down on him. And in a cold sweat he puts down that the two Kujo twins arrived on time.

The end of the morning lessons and break came and lunch has started. Like normal a large group of girls follow the two down the corridor towards their lockers as they grab their lunch money. "I'm 100 Yen short." Jotaro mumbles as he counts the money.

"I'm low too. I'm sure I put it in this morning." Jota sighs as he closes his wallet in an annoyed manner. Jotaro looks at his shorter brother, if he was sure about it then that means. "Someone robbed you Jojo!" The girls exclaim loudly into the twos ears. Jota slams his locker shut still annoyed about his missing Yen.

"I'm going to punch someone. Can you buy my lunch." Jotaro passes his money to Jota "Don't solve your problems with violence. Do you know how hard it is to keep you in the school?" Jota says and goes to the bread shop. Jotaro on the other hand left school premises making the girls go follow Jota to the canteen in their love daze.

"Jota, your so sweet!" The girls compliment Jota every five seconds making him smile kindly while he wishes for them to leave before he turns dark. "Thank you for your kind words." He goes and orders what he could.

"Can I have two melon breads, chocolate milk and a cold coffee please?" Jota smiles making the lady behind the counter flustered and turn red. She smiles back with rosey cheeks and passes the bag over the counter. Jota then quickly left school grounds himself to go and find his troublesome brother.

Jota: Jotaro where are u? I bought lunch.

Jota sends a text to his brother and like lightning he got a response.

Jotaro: At the park fountain. Getting into a fight.

Jota: Alright I'm coming, what did I say before u left?

With a sigh Jota places his phone in his pocket. He walks to where they usually hang out and expected exactly what was happening. Jotaro towering over a group of delinquents who think they could be better than him. "Jotaro! They only had melon bread left, sorry." Jota runs over ignoring the shorter males. Jotaro scoffs while he puffs a thick cloud from his cigarette, Jota didn't mind when Jotaro smoked the only rule he has is that he doesn't smoke more than one pack a week.

" Let me get rid of these punks." Jotaro turns to face the armed group. Jota's eyes widen a bit, he didn't noticed that they were armed!

"Jotaro be careful they have weapons!" Jota shouts at his brother.

"That's why I have you as my aid." Jotaro smirks as he moves his hat down to hide his eyes from the enemies view. Quite chilling as his face was like a shadow. Jotaro starts punching and kicking his targets to the ground avoiding bats and poles as they swing his way. Jota deals with those who were more sloppy than what Jotaro was dealing with, he hits all the pressure points making them faint onto the ground. Looking over to Jotaro he noticed how he was outnumbered, Jota goes to shout to him but a bat comes flying into his vision.

"Jotaro!" Jotaro turns to see the bat slowly edge closer to Jota's face. Something in him snaps and instead of the bat hitting Jota's face a purple hand stops it.

"What the..." Jota looks at the large purple figure's back in amazement.

"I... I can't move my bat!" The attacker tries to pull his bat out of the spirits hand but instead he got punched in the gut harshly and got sent into a tree snapping it. Jota looks over to Jotaro and ends up seeing a metal pole making contact with the back of his head making his hat flew off nearly. Eyes widen, patterned breathing, Jota finds his mouth dry as a desert as he watches the goons laugh a bit. He knew Jotaro is okay but something moved inside him, he wants to be able to protect his family as much as it protects him. He feels a powerful force exit out of him and he watches a new spirit punch the crap out of the man who hit Jotaro. The two twins looked at their spirits in shock as they destroy the large group. Jota checks Jotaro's head to see no damage, it seems the purple spirit stopped it somehow. They took the time to examine the spirits, they looked just like each other but with different colour palettes. Jotaro's had black gravity defying hair, ocean blue eyes and purple skin with golden wiggly lines on it's muscular body. While Jota's had platinum white blonde gravity defying hair, green sparkly eyes and blue skin with silver wiggly lines on it's muscular body. Instead of gold shoulder pads and headpiece Jota's one had silver versions of them as well as having a yellow scarf. Just as the two finish analysing the spirits a police officer comes over to see the Kujo twins standing in the middle of a blood bath. Bodies flung into the fountain while some landed in trees and bushes.

"O-Oi! You two what did you do?!"

"Self-defence." Jotaro and Jota say in union.

"Come with me you two are to spend time in a holding cell!" Even though the two tried to explain what happened they would have to wait until one of the victims who wasn't hurt as bad wakes up and files a witness report...

"Yare Yare Daze." The two chorus as they sat in the dark, cold, miserable cell. They decided to think and discuss about what happened and especially about the spirits.

-----To Be Continued

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