Chapter 4 cherry loving Melon head

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Waking up in the morning felt more bothersome to Jota, the sun rise made him groan and seeing his uniform still smelled like the cell he was in put him off more. He'd have to ask to borrow one of Jotaro's sets, it's a good thing they are both similar muscle sizes or nothing would fit. It's just the length that needs sorting.
Grabbing his glasses and his only clean pair of trousers he barges in his brother's room earning a groan of distaste.
"It's 5 AM bitch let me sleep." Jotaro groans into his pillow.
"I need to borrow a clean set of uniform clothes. Including a jacket." Jota looked like a mess with his top sliding off his shoulder a bit while his eyes hold sleep deprived from staying up studying. To Jotaro Jota looked adorable, some how. The dark prince being cute will shock the school.
"Mine smell like piss and beer. Jotaro I'd rather smell like cigarettes and mother's washing powder."
Jotaro muffled a laugh and just nods.

Jota made Joseph nearly die of a heart attack as he thought he saw double at the breakfast table. Sitting there were two Jotaro's what happened to the smart and kind grandson he had yesterday?
"Mum were going!" Jota shouts, Jotaro tried to hide his amusement as his twin brother wears his extra uniform coat.
"Wait a moment! Kiss~!" She kisses her son's cheeks, one smiles while the other hides his embarrassed face.
"Yare Yare..."
"Daze?" Jota adds as the pair exits the family mansion.

"School... Are we actually trying to go to school after all that?" Jota says as he rolls his shoulders making the large chain noisy.
"Might as well..." Jotaro says sighing. The pair walked to school acting as if nothing happened.

"Jotaro! Jota! Where have you been the past four days? We were worried!" A brunette approaches the Kujo twins.
Jota quickly grabs his book and holds onto his brother's coat sleeve to ignore the suddenly alerted fangirls. This makes it worse as his fangirls scream louder at his cuteness, he sighs as he pushes up his glasses making the girls squeal louder.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Jotaro shouts startling Jota making him nearly drop his book.
"Bloody hell." Jota levels out his breathing unkowingly activating his hamon. A shot of hamon shoots through Jotaro's school jacket and gives him a small jolt. Jotaro looks over and Jota mumbles an apology.
The stairs catch Jota's eye, the steep stairs always annoyed Jota. They were there just for him. How many times has Jota tripped and nearly died down them? Too many to count. This time he will put away his book and focus on his feet. He walks ahead Jotaro and starts his elegant descent. A sudden pain catches Jota off guard and makes him start to fall down the dangerous height.
"Jota!" Jotaro quickly jumps after Jota and grabs him tight. Jotaro was planning to take the pain of the landing and used his stand arm to make him land on the grass.
"JOTA JOJO!" The girls quickly run over to the fallen twins. Jota is placed securely in Jotaro's arms as they sit up shakily.
"Are you okay? Ah Jota your leg is bleeding!" Jota looks to see that his leg is bleeding.
"There goes my last clean pair of pants..." Jota sighs as Jotaro helps him up.
Jotaro soon moves his attention on a man walking down the stairs. Red hair that matched his cherry earrings and a kakai green uniform that matched his schools. He walked down the stairs with his white scarf wrapped around his arm and neck. "Are you okay? Here use it for the wound." The male gives a green cloth with a fake smile. Jota excepts it with a small thanks but didn't use it yet. He eyed the male suspiciously along with Jotaro. "He seems fishy... Who is he?" Jota asks and wasn't prepared for an answer. "He's Noriaki Kakyoin! He transferred here yesterday!" A girl says with a reddened face.
"He's handsome but not as handsome as Jojo and Jota!" Another girl says as she squishes her cheeks together.
"Yare Yare Daze."
"Let's go to the nurses office when we get to school."


"Jojo? Jota? What happenes this time. Jota your leg?! Did you get into another fight?" The nurse rambles as she guides Jota to a chair. "It's the kujo twins they never get hurt!" Two teens sit on beds shout making the nurse laugh. "I guess... I bet you fell down some stairs or something." Jotaro grumbles and sit next to Jota hiding his face with his hat. "Take your hat off your inside." The nurse slaps Jotaro's head making Jota sigh as Jotato glares and grumbles louder. "Alright I need to cut open your pants." Jota immediately jumped up out of the chair.
"Hell no!" Jota denied excess to his pants.
"Why? I can't treat through the trouser leg!" The nurse ominously snips her scissors while staring at Jota.
"Sorry but I'm not making it bigger, I can stitch it up. I'll take my pants off." Jota says sweat dropping.
"Such a gentleman..." The nurse says as she watches Jota apologize. "Okay now I'll take your temperature to show your faking your colds."
"Nurse we really do have colds!" The teens from before say with smiles. Jota takes his pants off quickly but as he folds his pants up a green cloth falls out of his pocket.
"hmm Jota you dropped this." Jotaro picks up the cloth but quickly freezes as he reads the message on it.
"Oh it's the cloth Kakyoin gave me-..." Jota looks over Jotaro's shoulder and smiles his dark smile at what's written on the cloth.
Kujo twins today is the day I kill you.
"I'll put my pants bac-!!!"
"AH! That's not a thermometer it's a pen!" Before Jota could even dress himself he turns to see the nurse change form and wave about a pen spraying ink every where.
"Hah? Are you blind? This is a thermometer! Have a closer look!" She reaches forward and stabbed one of the teens clean in the eye. Jota cringes as a loud moist noise enters the room as she retrieves the pen out of the eye. She slowly turns to face the twins, Jota still hasn't got his pants back on and right now he wish he did.
"Kujo twins this isn't a pen right?" She slurs as foam escapes her lips.
"Well crap." Jota mutters taking off Jotaro's heavy jacket and quickly shoved his pants back on. The nurse launches at Jotaro and stabs the pen into his cheek making Jota cringe. Jotaro grunts as the woman somehow over powers him even when Jota is trying to pull her off.

The window opens and sitting on the window sill is "Kakyoin!" Jota exclaims as he's suddenly elbowed away by the nurse. The nurse digs the pen deeper while mumbling about the thermometer. "Nice underwear Jota. This is the power of my stand. You hurt my stand you hurt her." Kakyoin says with a smirk, he messes with a puppet and in sync the nurse yells and goes to stab Jotaro deeper making him grunt. "Jojo!" Jota yells as he watches his brother struggle. It was like that day, the day their stands manifested, he hated seeing his family being weakened down, sometimes he wishes he wasn't just the brains. Suddenly Jotaro kisses the nurse and his stand comes out as he pulls away. In star platinums mouth is a melon looking like head. Jota quickly pulls the nurse away letting the enemy stand come out. He places the nurse down in a chair and turned to see Kakyoin flinch as indents on his head confirm it was his stand.
"Don't do anything stupid now. Jotaro has your stand in his star platinum's grip." Jota says as he stands next to Jotaro. "Hm you shouldn't of done that."
"Stop acting confident, I can see my finger marks on your skull." Jotaro says glaring at Kakyoin.
Suddenly the window closes and the curtains soon follow making the room pitch black. The nurse soon splutters blood and falls to the floor making Jota move back to her.
"What the hell?" Jotaro shouts.
"My stand doesn't like open spaces..." Jota sighs in relief as he feels a pulse. He takes deep breaths in and exhale deeply, hamon surges through his fingers and goes into the nurse. Slowly but surely Jota heals the nurse while Jotaro gets shot with a weird attack.
"Emerald Splash!" Kakyoin yells and shards of emeralds shoot out of his stands hands that produce liquid. Jota looks up to see star platnium take the hit to the chest making Jotaro fly back into the wall. "Jotaro!" Jota yells breaking his pattened breathing. He quickly runs over but Jotaro sends him a glare. "Don't come over Jota. Heal her first." Jota nods and quickly focuses back onto his breathing getting the nurse to a stable point. "You should of excepted the healing. My emerald splash shredded your insides." Kakyoin says smirking, he watches Jotaro struggle to stand up holding his stomach.
Jota wants to intervene but that glare Jotaro sent him meant he didn't want Jota to get hurt. It annoyed him.

"Jotaro there's a reason we are called the undefeatable Kujo twins."Jota says as he stands up. Taking Jotaro's place Jota stands in front and prepares himself. "We work together, we have each other's back. I trust you and you trust me." Jota pushes his glasses up and fully summons his stand.
A blue and silver star platnium. "Moon Silver!" Making the same noise Jotaro's stand made when punching the crap out of the thugs Jota and his stand ready themselves. Jotaro places a hand on Jota's shoulder and summons star platinum. "Right Dākupurinsu."
"Jotaro... You haven't called me that ever since my fangirls started calling me that." Jota smiles but Kakyoin shivers by the cold under tone of it.
"So? It matches."

"We know nauseating evil when we see it." Jotaro made a huge speech, Jota had to correct him saying only he did them things except from punching the crap out of people that annoyed him.
"Evil? Evil is the loosing side." Kakyoin makes his stand shoot out emerald splash. Jotaro takes the hit on his arm but unlike last time he shrugged it off. Using the distraction Jota makes his stand launch forward and grab Kakyoin's stand. "Hierophant Green!" kakyoin yells hoping to be able to dodge Moon Silver's arm. Unlucky as he immediately felt the strong pressure around his neck.
"ORA! ORA ORA ORA ORA!" The Kujo twins yell as they punch the crap out of Hierophant Green.
"ORA!" One last ora and the nurse office explodes, Kakyoin splutters blood and feints to the ground. Screaming students makes Jotaro swear under his breath. Jota grabs his jacket and Jotaro carries Kakyoin out of the window. The pair quickly walk home, covered in dirt and dried blood.

"Mum is going to worry seeing us like this." Jota mumbles as they walk their route. People watch with rised eyebrows but quickly look away as Jotaro glares.
"Yeah. I think she might be more worried about the half dead body that soon will become fully dead." Jotaro menacingly says.
"Why? What are you going to do?" Jota asks hoping he wouldn't have to cover Jotaro's trail.
"Underwear. He made fun of your dolphin underwear." Jota could only groan in annoyance as Jotaro drags Kakyoin like a sack of potatoes.
"What's the problem with him seeing me in my underwear? We're both guys."
"I'm killing him along with Gigi." Jotaro looks back to see Jota's annoyed smile.
"Don't kill either of them!" Jota yells.

To be continued---

Jotaro's Twin Brother 《 JOJO 》Where stories live. Discover now