Chapter Two

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The connections to his bondmate stopped for a few days, and Kylo felt like he had once again found peace. He took it easy at work, still putting the search for Rey on hold as he found it was adding too much stress to his daily life. Hux was livid, often cornering him and interrogating him as to what was going on. He never had an answer for him, because he was unapologetic. Hux had also been the one to call him an "uncontrolled, over emotional toddler" on more than one occasion, so Kylo thought he was saving Hux the trouble of "dealing" with him by slowing things down. He missed his woman. He wanted her back, and the bizarre encounter with Rey didn't help anything at all.

He was enjoying his smaller workload quite a bit. He always made a point to stay home when he could, because there he was peaceful and unbothered by anything around him. One evening he sat working on a small, wooden puzzle at his dining room table, one that his ex girlfriend had brought home one evening and needed his help with. She had left so suddenly that they never finished it, and now he had made it his mission to finish it. If not for himself, then for her.

He sat pushing the wooden pieces to and fro, pulling them apart and placing them back together when he'd realize he had gotten it wrong. The task was both frustrating and, in a way, charming. It brought back memories of her that flooded back to him, and he found himself smiling at the jumble of blocks. He missed her so much. He wished she would contact him in any way she could. A letter, a phone call, a visit. Anything. He wanted her back in his home, in his arms, and he would do anything to prove that he was worthy of her love again.

As he was working his way through the blocks he felt his breath hitch, and the cool sensation running throughout his mind. He sighed, not really wanting to speak to Rey at the moment but it would seem the Force didn't care about him and his wishes. He closed his eyes as their bond became clearer and clearer, and once it was 100 percent complete he could feel her presence in his home. She was standing right behind him, as quiet as a mouse and he couldn't have been more annoyed.

"What is it?" He said, being pulled from his peaceful state of mind. He stood, turned around completely expecting to find Rey standing there just as angry as he was, but what he was staring at was the furthest thing from Rey possible.

It was an infant, cooing and staring up into his ceiling. It was swaddled in a small grey blanket, its black hair plentiful and wild atop its head. Its mouth opened and closed as it moved its head around, looking curiously around as if it, too was confused about where it was. What was most striking about it was its size. Kylo had never seen such a chubby infant before. With such round cheeks and a large head, the child looked much older than Kylo thought it was. But the small cooing noises and movements it made told Kylo that it was a brand new baby, likely only days old. Kylo moved in a little bit closer, still confused about what he was seeing. Rey was still nowhere to be seen or heard. There was only him and this newborn baby.

What was most strange to Kylo was the fact that it was floating. It was horizontal to him, floating in mid air around the height of his pelvis and gently swaying back and forth. It was like the baby was in the arms of an invisible person that was rocking in a rocking chair. Kylo had no idea what to think, but calm and comfortable emotions began to take over his confusion. He still didn't know where Rey was, but whatever she was doing, she was comfortable. He took another step closer to the infant, leaned over to get a better look at it. By all means, it was a cute baby, but all newborn babies were cute. There didn't seem to be anything special about the intruder in his mind, and for the first time he wonders: Is this Rey's baby?

A pang of jealousy sends a spike through his heart. Why would Rey be showing him her baby? Kylo had dreams of starting a family with his ex girlfriend but, again, how and why would Rey know that? Why would she tease him with what he couldn't have? There was no reason for it. As far as he knew, she was hiding from him. It didn't seem like something he knew her to do, but he truly couldn't think of any other reason why an infant would be coming through their bond. He became enraged, snarling at Rey to make herself seen, but the only thing it did was turn the infant's attention toward him.

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