Part 17

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"just kill me but let her live" he struggles to get out of Jimin's and Jhope's grip but they were two and stronger than him

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"just kill me but let her live" he struggles to get out of Jimin's and Jhope's grip but they were two and stronger than him.

Taehyung's lips came in contact with my neck sucking on the skin making me weak and unable to speak.

And I know why he is doing this.

To trigger Yoongi's jealousy.

Yoongi had enough watching Taehyung touching and kissing my neck like that. His eyes turned black again and a rock flies hitting Taehyung's face harshly.

I was set free from his grip but Jungkook run quickly holding me in his embrace while Jin leaned to check on Taehyung.

"The fuck you did..." Taehyung groans looking at Yoongi.

He got up from the ground quickly pushing Jimin and Jhope from his way holding Yoongi in his arms.

Yoongi wasn't moving , anger and jealousy filled up inside him. He wanted revenge now.

But so did his brothers.

All of them make a circle around Yoongi looking at him.

Yoongi's figure got up from the ground slowly getting possessed from his brothers.

He started yelling in pain , his brothers started Laughing watching their brother like this.

They always loved torturing people and for sure they love torturing their brother.

Yoongi turned to look at me and Jungkook started yelling in pain letting go of me.

I was pushed away from Jimin my back hitting the rock behind me , my body falling down unconscious.

Blood dripping from my head. My vision became blurry.

Jungkook and Jimin turned around to join their brothers,  to killing Yoongi all together.

Knowing I'm too weak to run away.

Yoongi was yelling and screaming in pain trying his hardest to maintain himself and not give up.

But it was too hard.

He was too weak , he couldn't do much.

"If you kill me you're going to kill all those innocent people out there!" Yoongi yells and Namjoon chuckles.

"Glad you know that at least , you always interrupt our plans , so we came and made a visit"

"Awh brother. We really loved messing up with you all this time." Jin says looking at him aggressively.

I see in front of me one of them wooden weapons Jason had made. An idea popping on my mind.

This time I was totally sure about it.

"You all are sick! Just let her go" yoongi's voice was getting weaker by the time.

His eyes from having a dark black colour turned into a white one.

"We came here for her. We're not giving up on her" Jhope says angrily and Jin nods.

"All we want right now is her. But killing you is so tempting we have to do it. So we can be sure you won't ruin anything else"

"People are just worthless-"

"Stop it!" I scream getting up from the ground holding the wooden weapon in my hands pointing it to my chest.

All of their attention on me now even Yoongi's.

"Y/N no. Go and live your life" yoongi tries to warn me and the brothers clap proud of me.

"Now all you have to do is say our names" Namjoon says letting go of Yoongi.

Yoongi's body falls down on the ground weakened. His eyes glued on me.

"Just say 6 names and poof,  everything will be over"

"Okay.." I look at them , ignoring Yoongi's screams.


"Shhhhhh , all this time here and you still don't know how to stay quiet?"I mock his tone turning to look at him.

The brothers stay silent amused by the scene in front of them.

"Y/N... " I can see the disappointment on his face.

"Now , come on don't waste no time" Jungkook says coming towards me holding with me the wooden weapon his hand on top of mine pushing it slightly towards my chest , feeling the tip of it on my skin "say our names"

"I can do this alone" I smirk having a playful smile on my face.

Namjoon's face lightened up upon watching something behind me.

"You finally got on your right mind , I'm proud of you" a female voice startles me from behind , Aurora.

She made her way towards Namjoon , wrapping his arms around her waist their eyes falling back on me.

"When this is over , we will finally put this world in peace." Namjoon smiles cheekily with his own thoughts.

"We will make our parents proud , something Yoongi never did and nor will" Taehyung says glaring at him.

Yoongi was staying silent looking down to his feet. Not wanting to look at me.

But I'm doing this for you prince.

I'm all yours forever.

Without saying anything else I slide the wooden weapon inside my chest right in the heart. The pain was unbearable,  I was coughing blood already.

All of their faces watching at me in shock.

I turn to look at Yoongi , his eyes already looking at me worried.






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