Chapter 1 (Problem in Potions)

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"Miss Lerange, are you paying attention?" Elizabeth hears Professor Snape ask, and blushes as the Gryffindors snicker.
"Y-y-yes, P-Pr-Professor..." she stutters, since speaking in class isn't really her thing, with her social phobia and all that.
"What is the antidote to most poisons in the wizarding world?" he asks again, knowing full well that she has a social phobia.
"A-a-a b-be-bezoar s-st-stone," Elizabeth stutters her way through the answer.
"Hey, Lerange! Can't you stop stuttering for one question?" one of the Gryffindors, Percy Crowe, snickers.
"Five points to Slytherin for your answer, Miss Lerange. And five points from Gryffindor for disrespect, Mr Crowe. You should know better than to disrespect a Prefect," Professor Snape says coolly.

For the rest of the class, Elizabeth just sits there with her head down, quietly taking notes while her best friend, Sapphire Lewis, goes on about the previous night's "Truth or Dare" in the Slytherin Common Room in a whisper. "Hey, Elizabeth?" she hears one of the Slytherin boys, another of her friends, Armand Adams, ask.
"Y-ye-yeah, A-Ar-Armand?" Liz stutters, hating herself for it.
"I know you hate speaking in front of everyone, but what do we have next?" Armand asks.
"D-De-Defence A-Ag-Against t-t-the D-Da-Dark A-Ar-Arts..." she stutters again.
Armand rubs Liz's shoulder sympathetically, knowing it's not her fault that she has a social phobia.
"Adams?" Crowe calls out.
"Yeah, Crowe?"
"Does Lerange always stutter or is it just in Potions?" Armand hears the sneer in Percy's voice.
"For your information, Percy, Elizabeth has a social phobia, which makes it near impossible for her to speak in front of most people, but then again, you Gryffindors are always such arseholes to her, so I'm not surprised you don't know it. And I'm not surprised your brother won't tell you either," Armand comes to Elizabeth's defense.
"Mr Adams, please watch your language in my class," Professor Snape warns.
"Yes, Professor. It was but a slip of the tongue," Armand apologises in a Slytherin-esque manner.

Then the bell rings for the last class...

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