Chapter 3 (What Really Goes On Between Severus and Me)

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Elizabeth knocks on Severus's office door, smiling a little even though her heavy bag is slung over her shoulder as she waits for his reply.
"Come in!" Liz hears a few seconds later and opens the door and goes in, nearly melting at the warmth in the room, so much that she can't help but purr. She sees him smile, and seconds later he closes and locks the door with a nonverbal spell, clearly happy to see her.
"It's been a while, Elizabeth... Come here," he says gently, and she goes over to him, her bag still on her shoulder, and he gives me an hug.
"I missed you, Severus..." Elizabeth says, sounding a little like she's whining.
"I know. Come," he says as he leads her through into the bedroom, which she can't get enough of, since it's so much more comfortable than her dorm. "Sit on the bed, Liz," Severus says, and she sits down, lowering her bag to the floor. "So, how are you feeling?" Severus says as she looks at him from beneath her hoodie's cowl hood.
"I'm okay, mostly. But I feel humiliated after that questioning in Potions today," Liz whimpers.
"Shh, it's okay. I'm sorry I had to do that, but I have to at least have different people answer my questions," he says apologetically as he pushes Liz's hood off her head, revealing the cat ears she always hides beneath either her hoodies, headscarves or her robes' hoods. Elizabeth mews at Severus, pushing his hand away, but he just pulls her close, pressing a kiss to her head as she snuggles against him, reluctant to leave. "I asked one of the house elves to bring us some food since I know you wouldn't want to leave just to go to the Great Hall for dinner, and I don't want to either," Severus whispers in her ear, resulting in her pressing them flat against her head for a minute. "Take off the hoodie, you're cute enough without it," he says as he scratches behind one of her ears, smiling.
Liz reluctantly pulls away from Severus to take it off, and does it as fast as possible so she can be in his arms again.
"Hey, hey, go easy, Liz," Severus cautions her as he holds her close. "You don't want us to fall off, kitten."
She blushes and mews, saying, "Sorry, Sev..."
"Don't be sorry," he whispers in her ear, resulting in her flattening them against her head again. "And you're cute when you do that."
Liz mews, but doesn't challenge his statement, and merely press her face to his neck, nuzzling him a few times.
"Lie down, kitten. I have some work to finish before I can properly enjoy the evening..." Severus says, clearly irritated.
"Business before pleasure, eh?" Liz says teasingly.
He just nods, pressing a kiss to her forehead, before getting up and going into his office proper, leaving the door open on a small crack, enough for her to see him at his desk, writing away.

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