Chapter 2 (Called into Snape's, or rather Severus's, Office)

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"Uhm, Elizabeth?" she hears one of the second year Slytherin students ask.
"Uhm, Professor Snape said I should give you this note..." She can tell he's blushing without even looking up.
"Thank you, David," Elizabeth says kindly as she takes the note.

The note reads:
“Miss Lerange,
As soon as you receive this note, please come to my office. I have something to discuss with you.
Professor Snape.”

Elizabeth stands up, pushing the note into her hoodie's pocket as she picks up her bag, planning to take it along, since she knows Severus well enough to know that he will probably keep her there for a while. Just as she's about to pick up her DADA textbook, one of the Slytherin first years shyly asks, "Are you really a neko?"
Elizabeth chuckles, smiling at him, "Yes, I am."
He blushes, and looks away, whispering, "One of the Gryffindors said it only happens when you get hexed real bad as a child."
She rolls her eyes, saying kindly, "Don't believe them. It's a sort of creature inheritance. And, hexes never fly in my house, even when Jacques and Clement are angry at each other." Liz pulls the little first year into an hug, something she just likes doing.
"The Gryffindors say you stutter..." He whispers again.
"That I do, but not in our common room. I'm among my own here," Liz answers his semi-question, and gives him another hug, before picking up her DADA textbook and going out.

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