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"i didn't know you were gonna' be here, you should've told me," finn says to lydia pulling away from their hug.

"well i didn't know this was your concert! plus, i haven't talked to you in like a couple weeks," lydia replies a smile on her now blushy face.

wait, a couple weeks? how come she didn't tell me they still talked. i watched them converse for what felt like hours, standing there like a big hippo in the room. how come i was kept in the dark about them? it's not like i'd be mad. i'd actually be very happy so i could ask her how he was.

i looked down at my feet not wanting to watch them anymore, who knew lydia would go behind my back and talk to the one person who's made me ambivalence for two years.

they were still talking so i rolled my eyes and walked away. i saw kai and jada and caught up with them.

"you were not just talking to finn wolfhard," she exclaimed.

"yeah, me and him used to be friends," i reply anxiously, not really wanting to talk anymore about him. they seemed to catch my drift and just nodded.

"um, i think i'm gonna get out of here and go get some food or something," i tell them not making eye contact.

"oh okay, you want us to come with?" kai asks.

"no it's fine i just need some time to think, thank you for inviting me!" i say walking in the direction of the doors.

i looked one last time and lydia and finn and saw them saying goodbye, before lydia could catch up with me again i was already out of the building.

i ended up going to the coffee shop we had went to earlier that day and ordered a small hot chocolate. i tried not to think, but it was hard. the fact that it was freezing wasn't helping either.

i took a few sips of my beverage (with hopes that'll make me warm) and noticed a pair of green eyes on me from across the room. they were owned by a man that looked about eighteen or nineteen with light brown curly hair. his skin was tanned and he had a large set of soft pink lips. he was pretty cute and was definitely not what you'd usually see around snowy new jersey this time of year.

he half smiled at me and i gave back a clumsy one. he must've taken that as a sign because he got up and came to sit across from me, resting his chin on his large hands.

"elio," he said confidently.

"what," i croaked.

"m'names elio." he says with a smile.

before i could say anything he held a hand up signaling me to stop. "okay listen, i know what your thinking. "how is he so handsome?" well there's more to me than just that, i'm funny and pretty nice, yeah i'm kind of cocky, but that's only because i've been cursed with this cursed, also a blessing at times, face. anyway, i saw you leave the concert and i decided that i was gonna go follow you, not weird by the way, you just looked kind of sad and i thought i could help, whether it's my looks, my charm, my jokes, or even just my presence. anyway, i'm eighteen and i have a job at a restaurant called Riley's on main street, i'm sure you've heard of it. i don't know if you're going to leave me here after my speech so i'm going to keep this going as long as i can. anyway, if you come to riley's when i'm there, monday through friday 9-6, i'll hook you up with some free burgers okay? don't answer that. i lived in guam for half of my life because my dads in the military, but he retired and he wanted to come back here, his home. my favorite color is probably like green or orange or purple or red, i'm not really sure which one is the best because they're all colors i like to look at. i have two sisters and one brother who are all older than me and i have a dog named brutus. i can play the uke which girls think is adorable and my favorite genre of music is probably classic rock."

we stared at each other in silence for a minute or two. wow, he sure talked a lot. he reminded me of mercutio from romeo and juliet. i couldn't help but laugh at him and his crazy introduction. maybe tonight will be a little better after all.

"i'm y/n," i say in between giggles.

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