Emperor x female!reader x Army

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{Hhhhh sorry for the badly edited photo, could not find a pic of Army and Emp together ;-;
Also this was requested by Carmeliijeli. }

Oneshot begins now:

Emperor and Army had both a thing for you, it was not even that hard to tell. They both treated you diffrently than other girls, and the fact that they knew the other had a crush on you as well,... never went well. Everytime the two were with you at the same time, was always going down with a glaring contest...

You wake up, and get your barely charged phone from under your pillow, it was filled with notifications from Army and Emperor.

Hey y/n

Are you there?

Y/n we have to talk.

As you read more and more messages, the more commanding they got. Gee. Emperor really wants to see you I guess. Now for Army...

Goodmorning y/n

Are you awake?


You decided to text them back later, for now you just wanted food. So you got up, got dressed, and went out to pay a visit to crusty sean.

You walked across the inkopolis square, ready to take an order and relax when your name was suddenly yelled.


It was Army. The orange squid approuched you, and started asking alot of questions.. "Why did you not awnser my messages?" "Because I was still asleep, Army." "But you have seen them?" "That's when i woke up." "And WHY didn't you awnser then?" "Because I wanted food first?". Finally Army stops asking questions and sighs. "Ok. There's something I should tell you though, come with me.". Army took your hand started walking away with you from the square, but before you two could leave it...

"I dont think she's gonna be leaving with you, Army."

That voice was unrepeatable, and very recognizable, it was the one and only Emperor.

"Oh. Emperor."
Army glared at the smirking, yellow squid. Emperor then stepped closer to you both "Y/n, there's something i'd like to talk about with you." The king gently takes you by the hand as the orange squid gapes in disbelief, "Well i'm sorry to say this, Emperor, but Y/n and I are a lil' busy.." Army, takes your hand as well and slightly pulls you away from the other male. "Oh really? Well don't worry, this will take just a second and Y/n and I will be right back." Emperor's hold on your hand got a little bit tighter, as the yellow squid pulled you back to his side gently. Army gritted his teeth, "Let go of her hand." Emperor just smirked wider "Why should I? I'm not hurting her or anything.". The boys are now starting to pull you to their side constantly, trying to make the other one leave. "Guys?... Are you two okay?..." you asked. Suddenly, Army lets out a huge huff and says the most unexpected thing in the world.
"Alright. Enough of this! Y/n, which one of us would you want to date?" You were stunned. But at the same time, you also realised that both of them are pretty good options, but it's hard to choose just one...

After a few seconds of silence, Emperor speaks up.
"I mean its pretty obvius, i'm the better choice, I can get her anything she needs or wants."
After hearing these words, you look over at Army, who's fuming. "You? The better choice? All you ever think about is victory and battle! You won't even have time for her!"  "Says the one who writes down taktiks and trains with his team atleast 4 hours a day!" Emperor spat back aggressivelly. The two boys kept spitting agressive insults on eachother while you tried to calm them down, but your words waren't really working. "Guys, please.." Army was about to say another insult, when suddenly you gave him a soft and sweet peck on the cheek. "W-wha?!" Army becomes a blushing mess, while Emperor stared in disbelief before getting a little kiss on his cheek himself. Now both of them become very quite, and of course, blushy as flip. "I'll think about it you two, please behave <3."

As you walked off, you knew this decision is not gonna be easy, but for now, you just wanted your well deserved breakfast at crusty seans..

{Hhhhhhhhhhh I did it bois

Total word count: 737 }

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