Prince x shy!skilled!reader

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[requested by:] LunerWings

You are the one and only Y/n, a powerfull, skilled and feared Inkling/Octoling... Others thought you were cold, a lone wolf, not wanting to work with other cethalopods, but....

Is that really true? No, no its not.

Because the thing is, you're actually just really shy. But the fact that you avoid talking to others gives them the wrong impression..


3rd person pov:

Y/n was just ordering a seeanwich, nothing too exiting. There were a bunch of Inklings starring at her though, I mean who wouldn't? She's a popular player after all.

But then, unexpectedly, team Emperor walks into the square, all the attention was taken off  y/n and brought over to the four yellow squids.

"Thank god those looks didn't last long, otherwise I would have to leave as soon as I came here.." y/n thought

Y/n sat queitly for a bit, but then she felt a pair of eyes starring at her, yet when she turned around, the attention was still on team Emperor... Until she noticed him

Ah yes, Emperor's little brother, Prince. Standing there, innocenty looking at the girl, but as soon as he noticed her starring at him back he quickly turned his head back to his team embarrassed. It was cute though, it kind of made y/n want to talk to him, but of course as that option came to mind, a thousand questions came too..

"How do I do it?" "How do I start the conversation?" "Maybe I should't?...but he looks so cute tho..." ...

As you finished your seanwich, you decided not to talk to him ( oof ;-; ) but Prince decided he was going to talk to you, he was intrested in your nature of personality, so quite, calm and collected, it got him curius...

Prince decided to silently leave the crowd, since all the attention was on his strong, powerfull teammates, nobody noticed.

As you were leaving, you noticed he was trying to catch up to you. Amidetally, fear kicking in, you started to walk faster, but then... "M-miss y/n? Please wait up!" As soon as he spoke, you froze, nobody was ever going a second step further to try and befriend you before... You didn't know what to do, but you didn't want to run away either... Prince, that now caught up to you, went out to say something, but stopped, as if forgetting what he wanted to say. "So... Uh...." He began, but stopped again, starting to fiddle with his fingers.. it was actually pretty adorable of him..

You on the other hand, were still standing frozen, just kind of looking at him, Prince spoke up again tho, breaking the akward silince. "So uh.. I heard you are very strong! Rank X right?..."
Another small akward silince popped up between the two of you, before you slightly nodded, not really saying anything. "You're awfully quite, i-in the best way possible that is! I'm not intending to insult you or anything..." Prince starts to nervously play with the buttons or his coat, in a cute manner.

Tired of not speaking much, you let out a few words, somehow..
"Y-yeah... I am... I don't care tho, as long as poeple don't talk to me.." as soon as you said that, Prince suddenly panicked "oh my.. I-i'm really sorry if I'm bothering you then, i'll just go..."
As Prince was about to turn around, you automatically grabbed him by the hand. "N-no! Wait! I... I want to talk to you more.. you seem.. nice." You said in your shy, gentle tone. Prince was suprised that a such powerfull squid, (or octo) wanted to start talking to him. "R-really? That's unexpected.." he said "if that's okay, can I um.. you know... Have your number, maybe?.." slightly blushing, Prince started playing with his golden buttons again. It was... SO adorable.. how could you say no to that face? "Of course" you said with a smol smile, taking out a small paper, and quickly skribling your number on it with a pencil you found it your poket. As you have it to him, you could see him smiling gently, looking at the paper. "Hey Prince, before you go.." Prince looked up at you, wanting to ask what it is, but before he could say anything, he got a quick peck on the forehead and blushed an insane shade of red. "I'll see you soon Prince.." you said, walking away, on your way to your home, leaving the blushing boy, still starring at you in the distance...

{The end}

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