Chapter 2

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Namjoon's P.O.V

Professor Du led us into a clearing in the Forest of Doom while Sir Kyung kept on giving us advice and trying to make sure that we'll pass this test.

"There are no rules in this test except for no cheating. Under no circumstances are you allowed to cheat in these tests. Whatever you do, don't cheat and don't overdo yourself. We don't want you to get seriously injured." Professor Du said in a demanding tone.

"What are we fighting exactly?" I asked feeling a but nervous about this test. I have to pass either way so no point in getting all anxious and worried.

She replied in a cold tone, sending shivers throughout my body "The demond of Tatarus". Well isn't this just great.

The demons of Tatarus aren't just any normal demons, oh no. They are the worst of the worst and feel no mercy towards their prey. All they do it hunt, kill and eat. If anything and i mean if anything gets in their way, well consider them dead meat.

You might be thinking that i'm overexaggerating but trust me, i'm pretty serious right now. Honestly I don't even know how they got these things here, it must have been a huge struggle to control and contain them.

"So, who wants to go first?" She asked cheerfully as everyone stood there in silence.

The deep and intense silence was then cut off by heels clicking on the hard ground. We turned around to find a few girls heading our way.

"Ahh, the girls are here." Professor Du said as we looked back at her and then the girls, feeling a bit confused.

"Boys, i want you to meet the Silence. These girls are pure double holders and are appointed in Class A. If you pass this test, they will be in the same class as you and in the building of our school dormitories." She said as i looked at each of them, trying to analyze their movements and actions.

The one with Auburn brown hair looked shy and like an introvert. Almost scared. I guess she wasn't really used to so many people giving her so much attention.

The one with black hair looked extremely beautiful, she had a stern look on her face, she had that intimidating aura surrounding her.

The one besides her had cat like eyes and looked fierce, and almost had that timid but don't fuck with me sort of vibe.

Violet hair and ethereal looks. She definitely looks like the weird and sensitive type.

Jet black hair and japenese for sure. Mmmhm she gives me the happy, dreamy but still sort of pessimistic vibe.

Light brown hair, Thai and had the cool and chill style.

The last one had salmon pink hair. She looks  sweet, innocent and baby like.

They are all so incredibly different, it was hard to get a full analysis on their personalities using my powers so I just ended up doing a small run through.

"So, now that everyone is here. Who will go first?" Professor Du asked for the second time, pulling me out of my trance.

"I'll go." I said aloud. For some reason I just felt like all seven of these girls were judging us hard and of course, no matter how respectable or nice people claim me as, I still have my pride.

"Great. Now Namjoon, step onto that opening in the middle and remember it's okay to lose. Just relax and believe in yourself." Professor Du said i nodded, obeying her orders.

I was in place and the others were far from the opening, sitting on wooden chairs the violet haired girl had made.

Once everything was set Professor Du sent a signal to Sir Kyung to release the demons.

God i hope i do well.

Hoseok's  P.O.V

I sat on one of the chairs Jisoo had created and decided to think about how i'll try to defeat the demons and pass this test.

Maybe I could just use phasing powers the entire time until the time runs out. I guess we'll just have to see what I conjure up with. I'm not the type to plan stuff anyways, I like to be spontaneous.

I was just sitting there minding my business and getting lose in my thoughts when from the corner of my eye i saw the girl named Rosé sit besides me.

"My name is Rosé. You are?" She asked in a shy manor, extending her hand for a handshake.

"Hoseok. Jung Hoseok. Call me Hobi for short if you want." I said accepting her handshake as we quickly fell back into silence.

I smiled at her trying to calm her nervous self down a little but still there was some awkwardness surrounding us. If she wasn't going to say anything why did she bother to sit there?

"Anyway, how long have you and your friends studied in Majestic Academy?" I asked breaking the tense atmosphere. Well, since we're here might as well get to know her.

"Most of us have studied since we were little kids. This school is where we grew up." She answered in a gentle tone as i nodded.


"How about you introduce me to your friends. No offence but i forgot some of their names." She said smiling as i chuckled, loving her cute tone of voice.

"Sure. Umm, the first one who gave the test was Namjoon, he's our leader. The one talking to your friend Jisoo over there is Jin, he's the eldest," i said pointing at the wooden bench where Jin and Jisoo were sitting on "Those three over there are Yoongi, Taehyung and Jungkook. And lastly the one taking the test right now is Jimin." I said noticing that her eyes lingered on Jungkook for a while before noticing Jimin.

"Cool. Do you any of you guys have girlfriends?" She asked in a  straightforward manor as i felt a little shocked at the sudden personal question.

"Woah. If you wanted to ask me out, you should've just said so." I said trying to lighten the mood and i felt satisfied when she laughed. Her laughter is adorable.

"Ummm actually none of us have girlfriends. Except Jimin though, he's dating Seulgi from Castlebroxo. You know Red Velvet right?-" I started but got cut off from Rose's harsh tone.

"Yeah i know them." She said glaring at Jimin as he got out of the the clearing in the forest, indicating that he's finished his part of the test.

I saw her glare harden as he came over in our direction. Apparently he was looking for me.

"I umm, i have to go." Rose said suddenly leaving the forest as she runs off towards one of the school's buildings. I looked at her retreating back as she ran to the front gates, confused.

Is she okay? Meh whatever.

"What happened to her?" Jimin asked looking as Rosé like she had gone crazy. "Nothing, she just had to be somewhere." I replied sadly.

That was weird. Maybe I freaked her out a little too much.

Damn, people these days can't handle a Hobi at all, what disappointments.

Whatever, I love myself too much to care anyways.

Okay, i just started this book and i'm already starting to regret it.

I don't think i have done well with the personalities of the characters. I was cringing so much with Jhope's character and the more i tried fixing it the worse it got.

I don't know, maybe it's just me.

Anyway i hope you liked this chapter and don't forget to vote and comment!


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