Chapter 11

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Lisa's P.O.V

"Okay, lover boy. Come over here." I said finally being able to pull Jungkook away from Tzuyu.

"Oh hey Lisa! Haven't seen you since yesterday." He said as i just rolled my eyes at him. I dragged him to building A and eventually we stopped in a secluded area.

"Who the hell did you tell our plan to?" I asked harshly as I saw him bit his lip. He forgot about the plan didn't he?

"I- I told Hoseok."

I looked at him anticipating something else but he just stayed quiet, not really sure what to say.

"Well, why did you tell him!?" I suddenly yelled as he flinched. I felt bad for a second but then I realized that he deserved it, it's been two days and he still hasn't told me who he did to about my whole Professor Du interaction.

He took a deep breath probably to prepare himself for the long speech he was about to give. "You see, our plan is to get into Professor Du's office somehow. Now first is how do we get her out of her office? I was thinking we could do it somewhere around lunch time. She doesn't eat in her office and everyone knows how she despises anything that could dirty her desk. So she eats lunch at about noon everyday in the cafeteria,"

"Then we have all the security camera footage and all the safety precautions she has, to keep the office safe. Weirdly, her office is the most protected room in the entire school and I think we might just find out why. Electrical precautions isn't a big deal, I can handle all that with my powers. But we have one huge problem."

"What is that?" I asked, trying to find at least some flaws in his plan.

"The camera's. If I turn off the camera's the guards in the camera room will find out that the camera's in Professor Du's office aren't working and they'll probably come down here to check them out. Also I'm sure that even if i turn the cameras off they might be able to find a way to restore all that storage. And we can't go in if the camera's are on, we'll get caught red handed. Which is why I said we needed Hoseok and Jennie for this job." Jungkook said, almost finished explaining the whole plan.


"Jennie!? You told Jennie as well!?" I suddenly yelled as he flinched again at my sudden outburst. "Did I not mention her before....?" He asked confused. I swear to god what am I gonna do with him? "Well anyway I told Jennie as well. What? It only two people, it's not like I told the whole school."

"Well you might as well have told the whole school." I said glaring at him as hard as I could.

Ignoring my comment he continued on with explaining the rest of his plan. "Hoseok's powers are phasing -being able to walk or go through anyone or any object- and Teleportation. He can use his phasing powers on himself and also help others move through objects, which what he'll do with Jennie. He'll let her go through the drawers and grab anything she wants without moving a thing,"

"But of course they'll be visible by the camera's. So we need Jennie's invisibility power over here. She can turn Hoseok and herself invisible as they go into the office and search through Professor Du's things. They both can just hold hands and keep on passing their powers onto to each other. I've already discussed it with them a long time ago and they agreed to it. We are supposed to meet today at..." He mumbled on as he checked his watch for the time.

"Annnnnd we both are twenty minutes late." He suddenly said, quickly grabbing my hand and running towards where Professor Du's office is.

"Shit! She's probably done with lunch by now!" I yelled as I heard Jungkook curse under his breath.

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